IP saya sejauh ini tidak tinggi, teman-teman. Dari 6 sks yang sudah keluar nilainya, IP sementara saya hanya 3.33 sementara teman-teman seperjuangan saya yang lain kebanyakan mendapat nilai 4.00. Haha, padahal masih ada 13 sks lagi yang belum keluar nilainya dan saya tidak tahu akan menjadi berapa IP kumulatif saya nanti. Lantas, kalau akumulasi IP saya nanti hanya dua koma (atau bahkan satu koma), apakah itu berarti saya bukan mahasiswa berprestasi?
Saya mengikuti lima organisasi di samping kuliah itu sendiri; saya aktif di Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa UGM dan saya sedang menjalani masa magang menjadi reporter di sebuah organisasi pers universitas. Saya diterima dalam sebuah komunitas berbasis hukum (Model United Nations -- anyone knows?) dan menyisihkan ratusan partisipan lainnya. Saya menjadi senat terpilih di fakultas saya, satu-satunya perwakilan dari kelas. Dan saya juga terpilih menjadi panitia acara annual mahasiswa farmasi se-Asia Pasifik bertitel Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium sebagai Group Leader dan menyisihkan belasan pendaftar lain. Tapi diatas semua itu, IP saya rendah. Lalu apakah saya tergolong mahasiswa tidak berprestasi?
Dosen saya pernah berkata, "IP itu seharusnya ada di prioritas ke-18. Ke-1 dipegang oleh kemampuan kalian dalam berkomunikasi. Kalau IP kalian 4, paling-paling nanti jadi dosen. Mau jadi dosen? Belajar terus kerjaannya tidak ada gebrakan yang menarik." Lalu beliau tertawa dan saya seketika langsung berharap beliau adalah ayah kandung saya bukannya sekedar dosen sebuah mata kuliah. Beliau satu-satunya "orang tua" yang tidak berpikiran sempit bahwa "nilai" bukanlah segalanya. That GPA is not the only aspect that represents my value. :)
Back then, saya menginap bersama teman-teman dekat saya: Mentari, Prisnu, dan Dudu. Topik tentang IP pun lalu menguap. Galau kita dibuatnya. Lalu Mentari mencoba menyemangati kita dengan bilang: "Bill Gates pernah bilang: 'Dulu saya seringkali gagal dalam ujian dan teman-teman saya berhasil. Sekarang teman-teman saya pun sukses dan berhasil menjadi karyawan dari sebuah perusahaan ternama. Perusahaan ternama itu milik saya.'"
Isn't it simply touching and very much encouraging?
Mentari juga nambahin: "Ayahku dosen di Kedokteran, dia bilang, mahasiswa-mahasiswanya yang IP-nya tinggi, justru malah nggak bisa praktik, sedangkan yang IP-nya biasa-biasa saja malah sukses jadi dokter yang 'bisa' nyembuhin pasien."
Tapi di sisi lain, tidakkah kita memang hidup di negeri yang menjunjung tinggi arti sebuah 'nilai'? Tidakkah memang sebagian besar penduduk negeri ini berpikiran kelewat sempit bahwa nilai (dalam arti sebenarnya) adalah tolak ukur paling signifikan akan pencapaian seseorang? Kalau mau mendaftar beasiswa, tentu IP jadi alat pembanding juga kan? Kalau mau mendaftar kerja, IPK pasti harus turut dilampirkan, bukan?
Tapi kenyataannya, apakah iya orang-orang yang IP-nya cumlaude (>3.50) itu bakal terjamin sukses hidupnya? Well, mungkin memang besar kemungkinannya bahwa mereka akan menjadi best employee on best companies, but would they be able to own the company -- to be another Bill Gates? That's the question. Lantas, perihal beasiswa, apa mereka pasti lolos? Kalau ada tes, dapatkah mereka mengaplikasikan ilmu mereka dalam bidang kehidupan dengan baik? Apakah mereka yang ber-IP sempurna memiliki cukup pengalaman hidup yang berarti?
Ah well.... What's so important with being smart, anyway? I'd rather be wit. Karena IP bukan satu-satunya tolak ukur, after all. :-)
P.S. Maaf kalau di beberapa line saya terdengar sombong. This post is made to be a rearview mirror of myself so I would know that taking this GPA thing too seriously would only stress me out yet get me nowhere. CHEER UP, dear Me!
You have good point there....
Memang IPK Bukan satu-satunya tolok ukur, tapi karena kita hidup ditengah masyarakat yang "mementingkan" Indeks Prestasi, tidak ada salahna kita menunjukkan kualitas kita dalam perwujudan sebuah angka.
Walaupun sesorang memiliki prestasi, tapi IP nya "agak kurang" maka kuliatas orang tersebut bisa dipertanyakan. Orang lain bisa menyimpulkan bahwa orang tersebut tidak bisa fokus atas apa yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya sebagai mahasiswa (memperoleh nilai yang baik)
I've ever liked things like sand clocks, lava lamps, and the like to good of rightful dish out time staring at it as a cut of catharsis. In a route, it helps me with meditation, to free stress and strain and well-grounded fantasize about nothing. That's why since I was a kid, in place of of dolls and cars I've in any case cool more of such pieces like sand clocks, lava lamps, musical boxes etc. So I was most delighted when I base the[url=http://www.dealtoworld.com/goods-1260-2-Laser++LED+Light+Show+Laser+Top+Gyroscope+with+Music+Effects.html] 2-Laser + LED Spry Show Laser Outstrip Gyroscope with Music Effects[/url] from DealtoWorld.com under the aegis the Toys section. It's like a tuneful belt, a spinning exceed, and a moonlight show all rolled into one. Which is spectacular diversion! The gyroscope transfer outing for about a minute. The laser light display with accompanying music makes this gyroscope a pretty corresponding exactly toy that my friends have also been most amused with.
My dogs are also fair curious about the laser gyroscope I got from DealtoWorld.com. They evermore attend the gyroscope as it spins, although at first they kept barking at the laser diverting dismiss accompany, and also because it produces music. But after they got used it, they've stopped barking but simply watch over following the gyroscope whenever I start spinning it. Kids are also attractive amused nearby it. On occasion it's proper to maintain diverting toys on all sides the lineage so that you can go away the diminutive on while the kids are being amused or playing with it while you live prepare foodstuffs or sock changed. The gyroscope is unified such fool with with this purpose.
The gyroscope I bought from DealtoWorld.com has a dragon as a intent plot on it, and produces a light accompany with red, downcast, and common colours. Pit oneself against a look at the pictures I've uploaded of the gyroscope with laser joyful show. The music produced from the gyroscope is not that expert but facts sufficiency to entertain any new guest to the house. The gyroscope is red and negro, making it look extraordinarily imperturbable, and measure macho with that dragon imprint.
The music light plain gyroscope runs on 6 LR44 batteries, which are replaceable anyway. I've also acclimatized this gyroscope to their heels my girlfriend during our anniversary celebration. I did the cheesy matter of decorating the b & b room with roses and when I led her in, I started up the gyroscope as rise so that the laser insight show produces a dreamed-up effect. I also had some battery operated candles so all the understanding effects created a rather dreamt-up atmosphere. She loved it, not later than the custom, to my relief. I also bought the candles from DealtoWorld.com. These days it seems to be my oversight shopping locality in favour of all gifts and ideas in behalf of romantic occasions.
Since Christmas is coming, this laser light playing gyroscope can possibly be a superb Christmas favour seeking the toddler or neutral the pet! Alternatively, the gyroscope can absolutely be a nice addition to the established Christmas decorations. I can take it as given placing it within a mile of the Christmas tree and peradventure spinning it when guests succeed in the house. Looks like [url=http://www.dealtoworld.com]DealtoWorld.com[/url] is getting my subject yet again!
Hallo, kak. Aku setuju banget sama semua kalimat di postingan ini.
Sempet dulu mau posting dengan topik kayak gini tapi I don't have any good words, takutnya malah bikin orang tersinggung. But you did it well! :)
Hm, sejujurnya aku belum masuk kuliah, aku baru lulus SMA, & belum begitu ngerti tentang IP hehe. Tapi sebenernya (as we all know) gak cuma di kuliah aja nilai dijadiin prioritas, di SMA pun begitu.
Semua temen-temenku (including me hehehe) selalu berjuang buat dapet nilai bagus (bahkan beberapa dari kami terkadang menghalalkan segala cara).
Dan semenjak aku kelas 12, aku jadi sadar, nilai itu bukan segalanya.
Yang terpenting itu pengalaman, pengetahuan, & pergaulan.
Karna gak semua orang yang punya nilai bagus punya itu semua.
Sering-sering posting tentang pendidikan kayak gini ya kak!
Berguna banget buat aku, cita-citaku mau jadi guru soalnya hehe :)
This is interesting. My roommate (soon to be ex-roommate) in America said the same thing when I got the highest grade in my class and she didn't get the grade she wanted to (which is anything above what I get, essentially).
I don't know... I mean, yeah GPA is not everything but it is something. For some people, it is unfortunate that GPA has a significant meaning in the years of higher education, but for me... it's fortunate that it means something because I have to honestly say that my GPA is all I got. Yknow what I mean?
Yeah, I'm involved in a lot of volunteer work for the community and extracurricular activities at school that cost me my sleeping hours every single day, but... I don't know. Despite the long list of volunteer and job experience on my resume, I still feel like my GPA is all that I got if I want to pursue my education further than high school.
This post does reeks of self-consolation which is totally cool because everybody needs that once in a while. But I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is possible to maintain a perfect GPA and be involved in gazillions of things. I've been doing it for the last six years and oddly enough, I still have time to blog and socialize. So it's not an impossibility.
I'm super proud of you though for being active in different organization and such. You have a brilliant mind and you'll do great things in the future, regardless of what your GPA is.
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