January 07, 2009


hey! anybody knows the prices of topshop shoes that i've post on 'mauu..;p'?? irfan asked it when he bragging of wanted to buy me that, and hey fan! i took that seriously yaa!! don't kidding me about any gifts! hehe. :p

anyway, hari ini kelasku, X-aksel, ngadain rapat buat SMANSA FAIR. that's such a big event of my school, SMA Negeri 1 Serang, or famously called with SMANSA. well, on that event, each class needs to prepare soooooome stuffs to fullfill the stand.. i mean, we need to sell something or whatever like that. actually it is just for fun, but of course it also used to gain some money. muahaha. :D

well, also still in SMANSA FAIR, there will be a contest just like the.... 'abang-none Jakarta' contest gitu. haha. but in this case we call it as 'Bujang-Gadis'. each class must send one couple of Bujang-Gadis to be selected and in the next phase, they will become 'Maskot Smansa' for a year if they win.

very interesting.

some of my friends told me to be the 'Gadis'. but I myself not too confidence about it. well, i do not know why (because usually i be a very confidence person--bahkan malu2in ;p), but i just don't know why, it just no, not for this event.

well, not to be seems that i am conceited, but rifa, one of my classmates, said this, "udaahh putri aja yang jadi Gadis, biar kelas kita menang!"

krik krik.

woaaaahahahahaha!! thank you thank you thank you soooo much rifa my baby!! muah muah muah! your sentence (read: compliment) was veeery touched me. hahaha.

after all, because i do really not confidence of being the 'Gadis', i recommended my friend to change me, and the lucky girl iiiiiisss..... URI. hahaha. :D

here she is. pretty cute, isn't she?

but beside that, she is also so far more insane than me!! hahahaha. peace ur! ;p

we had plan some for the costumme of Bujang-Gadis, but i have to make it secret to you all. just wait until the D-day okay? and i'll post some more infos and photos about SMANSA FAIR and our lovely Bujang-Gadis. hehehe. oia, fyi, the Bujang is Heru. He is also very insane. hhahah lol . :D

oia, fyi again, the SMANSA FAIR will be held on 17-18 January, with the misterious guest star, that I myself haven't know about that. but based on some info yang beredar sih the guest is D'Massiv. i don't know either it's true or not. ;p

so, that's it for today. enjoy your day guys! smooch. :*

fyi again (and again): i'll get my UPGRADING-EXAM on January 19. for God's sake! it really shocked me and my friends!!

and some friends also tell me that they wanna go out from accel. aaahhh what the heeecckkk!!!

i'm very frustated of this bullsh*t acceleration class! WHAT-THE-HECK!!!!

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