aahh... i really wanna thank you all guys who had comment me on my last post about the 'it' anonymous. (thanks sist sleepyheaded nindya.. yeah it's proper to call the anonymous with 'it'.).
oh my. you all guys really do cheer me up again. huaaa, love you fellas. muah muah. ahaha :D
today is Sunday. yeah, Put, everybody knows that! hehe. tryna' joking. ;p . well, yah, this is Sunday, and the special event nowadays is SMANSA Cup, an event of my school, yeah, such a football competition gitu deh. the participants are from the classes entirely (so do my class!), and... jeng jeng jeng... the opening ceremony is started today guys! yippee... but so damn that i couldn't watch it, cause i'm just too tired to go anywhere out. just stay home and relaxing my mind of all those fu*kin school stuffs. hufh...
so here i am.
drooling for many things i found in google and apple.com. yaiiikksss!!! i really do drooling, people!!!! and please please don't disgust on me! hakhak.
so let we just see the things i am drooling for. ;p
macbook air. (oh oke deh. this is a dream which will never do come true. anying yee bok! 20 jeti gitu loh! huahahah xD)
nano chromatic. my father said, just not the time yet for having this item. ergh... lantas kapan dong pah waktunyaaa??
blackberry. hahaha, eventhough the style is not so me, but still i want this thing! very much! gosh! kenapa sih kamu mesti mahal sekali Om Blekiii??? huhuhu ;(
so, yeah, that is it.
hahaha. you must be having those items already. aaahh, this is what i called "the unfairness of life!" lol.
well, i gotta study (more) for the Biology Exam next day. and many tasks i gotta do. aaargh, sh*t, school sucks!
so, see ya later fellas. thanks for reading my blog.
love you,
macbook air. bah uang segitu bisa dapet honda beat + nikon dslr D70, engg masih sisa kali ye recehan bahaha
Life isn't fair sometimes ha!
hueeee gue pengen macbook jugaaaaaaa :(
hell yeah.. i really want those item too!! and plus a slr/ professional camera.. but it's just too damn expensive for me!!
tp put.. kayaknya seumuran kita blm butuh blackberry deh say:) itu buat bapak bapak businessman gitu, lebih mendukung pekerjaan mereka :) kita butuhnya cuma buat sms, nelpon ama buka facebook doang.. kalo provider-nya dodol, tetep aja lemot lemot juga.. kayak tante rini, mamanya kak cassey ( life-elements.blogspot.com -titled telkomsel blackberry blues) ahaha.. kamu kelas satu yah? met berjuang untuk penjurusan ya sayang :) dan slamat berjuang buat ulangan biology-nya.. biology is fun, dear :)
@indita: hahaha tau tuh ga tau diri banget apple ngeluarin produk dengan harga naujubileh kyk gitu! tau kapan deh gue bisa belinya. hakhak!
@July Girl: yeah. life does.
@Rida: hahaha ayo kita sama2 pengen!! hakhak.
@Sleepyheaded Nindya: wah sama dong! ah blackberry yah... iya juga sih, emang buat om2 sih sebenernya. hahaha. tapi pengen aja, keren gitu loh! tapi kyknya mendingan LG Cookie yah. hehe :p
hmm.. oh ya aku udah kelas 2 kok ka. baru aja kmaren naek kelas. kelas aksel... hehe ;D makasih ya ka supportnya! :D
Hhahah sabar ya say kalo mau nano chromaticnya!heheh. gw punya loh yg warnas ilvernya. heheh
*sedikit pamer*wakakak. tadinya mau warna merah,tapi merah cuma di produksi di amrik.zzz
sabar yaaa..heheh
oia put..kan aku nanya-nanya ya ke orang-orang. tapi katanya lg cookie kurang bagus!! ahh padahal gara2 lo gw jadi pingin!hehehh
aihhh tuh kan tuh kan tuh kan... apa aku bila~ng!! dunia ini tidak adiiiilll!! hueeeee.... x'(
hahaha becanda, gapapa kali pamer juga nad, biar jadi bahan motivasi aku! :D
ah yah, masa sih jelek? jangan tanya2 orang deh. coba aja browsing di google, mungkin ada reviewnya. :)
ah jangan bilang kamu mau beli ini lagi! huaaaa dunia sungguh tak adil padakuuuu!!!!
macbook air jelek tau. dia hard drive nya di luar. mending pro aja. haha promossiin pro nih gw.
tapi pro emg bagus kok
omg I really want those items too. I'm sure you can convince your dad. xo
@natasyya: ah dear, tapi outlook-nya itu loh yg aku addict bangeeett! hahaha iya, temen aku juga pake yg pro, tapi biasa aja sih menurut aku. cuma beda 7 juga lagian harganya. huahaha ;p
@trembling mind: hahaha. yeah, nano chromatic maybe i could convince my dad bout it, but the other things.. hmm, not sure enough! ;p
blogmu lucu..bgus..bguss!
mac book air kurang bgus..mnding pro!
pro tuh bda jauh dr punya gw!!sial..
huwwee..tp mahal bgt.
pngn bli kamera slr lg nihh!huhu.
hunting photo brg yuu!
your twinz..
hahaha makasih makasih sayang! muah! :D
hmm, gue sih mending lomo deh! action sampler tuh lucu. kalo murah mah gue beli, mskipun gambarnya ga sebagus lomo sih.
ah slr mahal dan berat siz... hakhakhak! ;p
ah yah, kpn nih mau bikin blog? :D
blm smpet ngurusnya
nti aja dehh!klo udh ktularan jenius.jd ga perlu blajar!haha.
(not gonna happen..)
keep on writing siz..
oh okay. tell me when you have one! :D
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