February 28, 2009

Princess Diary

I really do miss writing. Very much.

I don’t know why, but nowadays, it is more looks like that my blog is the place where I spread my shallow story instead of a real “Princess Diary”. I was just post those unimportant stuffs of fashion, those unworthy things to read, those uninteresting events of mine, and all of those miserable things of my relationship—which is already ended just tonight.

So now, I’ll start to make a worthy post. I’ll talk about anything’s precious to read by you—at least for me. Hehe. Well, I really do wanna try, guys. :)

Talking about last night I spent with my—ehm—ex-boyfriend, that’s such a great night, absolutely.

We went to a café, where we were first made in into a deeper relationship about 9 months ago, as I’ve said on the last last post.

He picked me up from my house on about 7.30pm, he greeted my mommy, and she said, “Take care of her ya ji, and have fun chickadee!” I laughed, and so did him. “O-Kay mom, see ya!”, then we left. Haha. :D

At first, we were both—errr…. Awkward. Because, yeah, we both knew that we’re gonna ended up our relationship that night.

But I decided not to take care of it, and, well, I tried just to let the night be the most awful night of our life—at least for our together life, yeah, because hey, it was (possibly) the last night we could spend together.

We ordered two green tea and two chicken basket (one of the menu on the café), and we talked all night. Hahaha, no, it’s just my secret desire—to have a fully night with him and talked all night about everything with him, but yeah, dreams will always be dreams, guys. LOL. But we did talk about everything indeed. We talked about… eerrrr…. oh, okay, I can’t remember anything of our talks last night. Hehe, blame me as you want to, readers, you really may, but it was not my fault if I have memory just like a goldfish. Pardonne moi, honeydude… haha.

Well, after that moment on the café, we went to a nowhere place. I mean, we just went around the city. No certain direction. Hahaha. Ah ya, have I told you that he drove motorcycle that night? O-Kay, I thought I haven’t talk about it. So now you know ya. Besides, it was rain that time. Not kinda eastern downpour though, just a drizzle. Yeah, I know, that’s sweet. :)

Hmm, well, couple of times later, we went back home. He said—when we’re still on the motorcycle, “I will miss everything on you.”

“I will do either, honey.” I put my earnest smile on my face, just to make he smiles too, instead of glum like that. 

He whispered, and he smiled—as what I wished before, “I’ll never forget every moment we had together, sayang. I love you too much.” (in Indonesia, the word “love” he said refer to “sayang” instead of “cinta”).

 I couldn’t counter his sentence. Just hush. Then a cold silence came bothered our mind. Very cold. But not caused of the drizzle above us, it’s because we both quite—a scary silence. We didn’t know what else to say in our last time. An invisible key lock my mouth down. So did his mouth. Locked.

What could I say to make this coldness melt down?!

Well, okay okay, I'd say everything on my head, and oh, unluckily, that was such a stupid thing: “Eng… it is so cold here, isn’t it?”

For God’s sake! I talked about the weather on our last time! What would he think of me?!

“Yeah, cold.” He mumbled.

"Shit!" I shout in my heart. But then—I couldn’t remember exactly what else happened after, but yeah, I start to think that he was hugging me that time. I don’t know the exact story was…

An unrestrained misery came overwhelmed us. There’s sorrow on his face, I know. But he tried very hard to show me the firmness instead of sorrow. I was really touched.

Then I was smiling; once more, just to see him replied my smile... so I could be tranquil before I went sleep. 

Then he said goodbye. With that gorgeous smile which always I dream of.


Oh okay, I’ve made you bored till dead, haven’t I? -,-

February 25, 2009

nice mice shoes!

how funny?! :D

picture from: the same source as the last two post.

February 24, 2009

KAMBING I love you!!!

aaaarghhh!! i won the contest of KAMBBIIINNG!!

do you remember about the reason why i put the new banner on my blog?

yeah, that is a contest. and i won it! i got the premier ticket of Kambingjantan The Movie!!



what a very well morning! muahhahahahaha!! xD

noh noh buktinyaa.. ehehehe, bangga bener ya gue . :p

(click the image to see it clearer)

oh ya, gue turut prihatin yah buat kalian yang udah ikutan tapi ga kepilih...

gue sedih banget loh! suer deehh ga sekedar wordplay doang neh gue ngomongnya! 


anyway, duh ini masih pagi dan gue belom mandi! mampus bisa telat dateng gue ke skolah!

see you all guys there. muah muah muah!


I heart flats

Oh My Goose! i really do fallin in love with those flats above!

aaahh... extremely cuuutee!! xD

pictures from here

February 23, 2009

chemistry sucks!!

aarrrrggh! just had a chemistry exam this day, and i felt .... very upset of myself!!

why do i always did my exam unthoroughly?

aaaaaaarghhh!! i really do regret!!! huaaahuuuuhuuuhuuu.... :'((


February 21, 2009

9 month has gone...

Our conversation last night before we went sleep

Me: What happened with you last afternoon?

Him: Me? Nothing.

Me: I don't think so. You look different.

Him: Well, yeah. I was a lil bit upset when I came to your class but you seem didn’t interested at all.

Me: It is so not true, be! Didn’t you see my expression when you left me that way? I hate you!

Him: …

Me: Ah, really not funny how our minds didn’t connect each other anymore ya, be.

Him: Okay, I really do apologize… Don't say a thing like that!  

Then I made a call to him.


Well ya, this is 22nd February, and, today is our 9th month anniversary! 

But, oh how poor we are, it seems like we’re gonna end up our relationship today. I think both me and him couldn’t be understand and respect each other anymore.

You know, it was really sucks for me, daghling. So please do understand my last decision—this irresponsible decision, I know.

I promise we will be a best friend afterward. I keep holding on my promise. :)


February 20, 2009

Gadis Indonesia .... ? Watdefak sih!

Oh my goodness…

For God’s sake! I… I was just found a site… and, and it was dreadfully shocking! Oh my….. I am speechless!!! I don’t know what to say……..

Well, hhhh… Ok, I’m gonna tell you why I was being so that shocked.

Gini, errrhh , before I tell you the main problem, I’m just wanna say sorry for all the foreign readers, sorry I couldn’t tell you anything about it. I’m just too ashamed to tell you what happenin on me to you all guys, because it was related with our country’s good names. Yeah, good names. Maksud gue, nama baik. Ya, nama baik. Terserah deh apaan lah istilah bahasa inggrisnya.

Jadi gini ya—aaaaahhh….. sumpah, gue masih shock banget!!

Hhh… inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale… take a deep breath and just be calm, putriiii!!

Fuuhh… Oke, gini ceritanya.
Baru aja hari ini, ada seseorang yg nyapa gue di Cbox gue, then seperti biasa, gue klik link blog dia dan seperti biasa pula gue liat profil dia. Dan disitulah, maksud gue, saat gue baca profil seseorang itu, gue liat, di bagian Blogs I Follow, ada link blog dengan judul, “Gadis Indonesia Bu*il/Indonesian Nak*d Girl.”

Oh my oh my oh my……!!!! Gue melotot langsung segera saat itu juga!!! Ah, bukan, bukan karena gue nepsong! Ya ampun plis deh! Ga guna juga ye gue nepsong sama makhluk yang sama sama gue. Ahhh forget it deh!

Nah ya, berhubung gue merasa gue cewek, jadi ga ada salahnya juga kan gue liat isi tuh blog dengan judul yang kurang ajar banget itu, jadilah gue klik tu link. Ya ampun demi Tuhaaannn…. Tangan gue gemeteran! Gue merasa maluuuuu bangeeettt, Indonesia, sebuah Negara, Negara gue, yang dipandang oleh seluruh dunia sebagai Negara yang berakhlak tinggi dan patut dihormati, malah kayal begini aslinya coba! “Everyone lives in harmony.” Hillary Clinton bilang gitu kemaren waktu diwawancara sm Luna Maya. Tapi nyatanya…… apa?! Harmony moyang lo harmony?!! Udah mau kiamat gini lo bilang harmony Tante Hillary?! Nyaoloooohhh…..
Oke, lanjut deh. Jadi, jadi gini… begitu gue buka tuh blog, pertamanya muncul dulu tulisan2 dari pihak google yang menyatakan kalo di dalem blog itu banyak hal2 ga senonoh dan pihak google ga bertanggung jawab atas itu. Ada pilihan buat gue buat back ato continue.

Well, berhubung gue udah terlanjur penasaran mampus, akhirnya gue klik choice yg kedua, gue continue.

Oh my God gue nyesel udah milih itu! Ternyata… ya ampuuuunn… gue pengen nangis Tuhaaann…. Gue malu bangeeeett!! Disitu, langsung muncul gambar cewek2 Indonesia dengan busana yang sangaaaaaaaaaatt tidak senonoh, sangat tidak layak untuk dipakai oleh Indonesian people yang ngakunya berakhlak dan percaya adanya Tuhan. Bahkan, kalo lo mau tau, disitu tuh juga ada yang sampe bagian atasnya juga kebuka total-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal!!!!

Bener2 ga pake apa-apa boookk….. langsung aja tuh dua barang milik wanita nongol gitu tanpa penutup apa2!!!! GI-LA-GA-SIH?!!!!

Ya ampuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn…… gue bahkan ga berani scroll down mouse sama sekali! Langsung gue klik tombol buat back. Langsung gue close opera yg tadinya lagi running. Langsung gue cabut kabel internet speedy gue! Sumpah gue syok banget!

(fyi, ini gue lagi ngetik di Ms.Word.)

Gue beneran ga tau lagi mau ngomong apa . udah terlanjur syok gue, gue udah terlanjur malu ga ketulungan. Meskipun bukan gue yang ada di halaman blog itu dengan sekujur tubuh tanpa busana, bukan, jelas bukan, gue bersumpah gue ga akan pernah melakukan hal-hal rendahan kayak gitu, ga akan pernah, tapi tetep aja gue maluuu….. itu blog mencantumkan nama Negara gue. Negara yang udah sangat amat bobrok ini! Malah ditambahin aja ye bobroknya dengan munculnya hal2 ga bener kyk gitu di dunia internet.

Ya ampun, yang bikin tuh blog, tolong dong. Lo bego apa gimana gue ga tau. Dan gue juga ga mau tau kalaupun lo baca tulisan gue ini dan lo marah, terserah, marah aja lo sana sama gue! Gue jauuuuh lebih marah sama lo! Lo bikin rendah nama cewek2 Indonesia tau ga lo shithead!

Dan elo lagi model2 sinting yang mau masuk tuh blog tanpa baju! Lo juga superduper tolol tau gak! BEGOOOOO BANGET!!!


--aahhh, gini kan jadinya kalo gue kesel. Kata kasar keluar semua.
Pardon my messy language ya guys. :( I’m just too mad!

Ahhh gue ga tau harus ngapaiiinn!!!

dan tentunya link tuh blog ga akan gue taro di blog ini lah yaa.. hih ga deh makasih, bikin blog gue kotor aja! cuih cuih!

tobaaaaat tobaaaaaatt....

Silver Cheetah

Well, i just read kak Cassey's blog, and found this funny site.

Here is my test result. :)

You are Silver Cheetah, who is intelligent, cheerful and lively. 

You don't like to loose, and are aggressive and tends to give an impression of strong-minded person.

You have an attractive character that is little temperamental and mischievous like fairy. 

Your attitude is also agile. 

But because you are a temperamental person, you tend to make a move that is based on your instinct. 

You lack feminine emotion and deepness.

You tend to be rather vein, and have a tendency not to show your own weakness and hence, act strongly. 

Therefore, you may suffer from loneliness in your heart.

You are born a hard working person. 

Once you decide on something, you are passionate enough and have a great will-power to risk everything for it.

But once you loose realistic objective, you have a danger of not knowing where to go. 

You should plan your life on long-term basis of concrete prospect rather than on short-term base. 

You set your objectives on pragmatic things and something that is realized in the society rather than spiritual ones. 

You are not really suited to stay at home. 

It may be better if you carry on with your career than to get married.

The way you can make others happy, attracts men. 

You possess two characters inside you. 

One which can calmly observe others, and the other one which can make you passionately obsessed.

ah boys! you really need to try this! it was just so fun and damnly accurate! hahaha lol. :D

share me your own result if you had try it, would you? ;)

ah ya, and here are the characteristics of silver cheetah itsef:

1. Cheetahs are challengers who know when to quit

2. Cheetahs like to win outright

3. Cheetahs are extremely positive thinkers

4. Cheetahs want to succeed more than most

5. Cheetahs have a lot of pride 

6. Cheetahs are curious and like to try new things

7. Cheetahs talk big and act big

8. Cheetahs like to look cool in front of others

9. Cheetahs jump to conclusions but are well-meaning

10. For some reason, a lot of people with the Cheetah character like barbecued beef

February 18, 2009

another tag: fabulous!

oh my gosh... i've been tagged by a little sweet girl named Audrey! hahaha.. thank you my dear. that's mean a lot for me. ;)

well, here are the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are FABULOUS.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

And the blogs I nominate Fabulous are:

1. Diana Rikasari, Hot Chocolate and Mint
2. Rida, nobody's perfect. (sori syg, dari kemaren2 lupa terus mau ngetag kamu, baru inget skrg! haha)
3. Sist trembling mind, Have Fun Go Mad.
4. Sashaa, + singing firefly's song +
5. Sleepyheaded Nindya, * lights and nights *
6. Enep, What I Write
7. Devishanty, Fly Me to the Moon
8. Chester, Zebra Stripes and Runaway Kites
9. Evita Nuh, ♥The crème de la crop♥

10. Miranda, My free Style. 

actually i wanted to tag Princess Foofoo too, but i thought you have been tag by your little seeet princess .. :)

well then, that is it. you guys have a fabulous blog! ;)


February 16, 2009


I was recently tagged by Chester, a very lovely girl from Zebra Stripes and Runaway Kites, to post 10 random facts about me myself. And anyway Chester, thanks for nominated me. :)


1) Put the Logo on your blog or post

2) Nominate at least 10 other blogs

3) Be sure to link your nominees in your post.

4) Let them know they have received the award by posting a comment on their blog.

5) Link to the person that you received the award.

Well then, here are the 10 random things about me... :D

1. I hate those gastropods. But I definitely hate those snails and slugs the most! ieuw, could you just imagine, their yucky body, their horrible eggshell (for the snail), their fuck*ing antenna which will be move down if we touch it, aaarggh!! Everything on ‘em is just kinda terrible for me!!! (anyway, that’s why I name this blog with snailophobiaprincess.blogspot.com ;p)

2. I hate dogs. I had ever chased by one of them. And oh my, thanks God, I was not bitten at that time. But ever since it, even for the cutest dog in the world, I hate them! I won’t touch ‘em even for awhile! Really never!

3. I love reading in the closet. Increasing my mood, and not wasting any of my time. Hehe :p

4. I’d ever write some diary, long time ago. And these days, when I found ‘em somewhere in my room, then I read ‘em… I screamed, “ieuwwww yuckss!!!” Do you know, the content is just so yuckyyyy!! I just talked about a boy whom I loved those days, only that boy, really, in a whole diary just talking about a boy! What the heck! It was just such miserable, for God’s sake! Ahahahaha… lol lol lol. xD

5. I am so catty. Really am. Some of my friends hate me cause of that bad habit: talking without thinking. Hard enough to remove it away from me. Euh.

6. I love fashion, even though I’m not so good at it. But seeing people on the good outfits is just a pleasant for me! Well I think I have a good taste on fashion. :p (and no Ms. Ayushila, or whatever your name is, I wont be a psycho-fan of Diana Rikasari, even though her style is just so damn good. And if you thought I am freak, yes I am. You are quite right, dear. Lol.)

7. I usually take a bath just once on Sunday. Even sometimes, I did not take a bath for a whole day. Ahahaha, pardon my laziness on that LazyDay. :p

8. I love debating. But just don’t know why, I’m not chosen to become the debate team in my school. Maybe I’m just too messy in my grammar. Yeah grammar is my biggest lack. Hahaha

9. I love Paris. Since I was kid, I love Paris. Everything on Paris is just very fascinated for me. Well, I don’t know when, but I ever promise to myself that I would go there someday. :)

10. I love blogging. Even if people send me the shitty comment in my blog, I still do love blogging! :D

well, that's all 10 random things about me. I think it is just quite boring for you, isn't it? -,-

aaahh anyway.. I'm not sure about 10 people to nominate, but the people I'm going to nominate are:

1. Chester, The Zebra Stripes and Runaway Kites. Thanks dear for nominated me. That’s very kind of you.
2. Ochan, The Power Blog.                                                                           3. Tio D.L., perjalanan yang ga bakal berakhir.
4. Rizki, Selamat Pagi Dunia!!.
5. Cassey, Whispers of Cassey Bunny.
6. Audrey, Audrey....Are you in.
7. Sleepyheaded Nindya, * lights and nights *
8. Indita, Yet Another Hot Dork Blog.
9. Devishanty, Fly Me To the Moon.
10. Sist trembling mind, Have Fun Go Mad.

That’s all people. Enjoy your award! haha. :D

PS: i do not know yet about the logo, Chester haven't post any clue about it. so, maybe next post. :)

oh ya, i got an award from dear Audrey, from Audrey....Are you in. hehe, thanks sweetie. i'll post the award and the tag next time ya. so sorry but i got a lot things to do.

now then, cheerio pals! love you all.



lomo (again)

why does the lomo oktomat and action sampler more look like a toy? hehe, but i want 'em though. :p sooooo cute!!


action sampler

lomo oktomat


for you my readers, i send you much love from here!! thaaaaaanks for keep blogwalking to my blog and read these shitty stuffs. hehe. that's very kind of you. :) i swear, there are no better readers than you all guys! love you.. :D



pics from google.

February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! :D

my first valentine with him! yay!


about that break? forget it. i've changed my mind. he got me back. haha. i'm just love him too much. ;p

thanks for all of you who had cheer me up! that's really sweet!

and for everyone, HAPPY VALENTINE's DAY!

love you all pals. muah!


February 12, 2009


yeah. break.

my relationship with him is just break down for awhile. just for one month, actually. i am the one who offer him to, well at first he don't want to, but at last yea we make a deal. just for one month, no contact, no call, no message, no email, no greets in the school... yeah, just look like an enemy. haha. silly!

well, i just need some moments, to think hardly, is this relationship are just precious enough to be defended? hmm... i dont know. just let me thinking in this one month. 

and i really am sure you can receive it sincerely, my dear. just find another girl out there! i really dont mind. :)

PS: here goes the 'it' anonymous again... pfffhhh.... (couldn't hold out my laugh!)

February 11, 2009


i am introvert. I always thinking I could live without any friends beside me (parents not include). and for sure, it'd ever happened to me (the times where i live without any friends besides, almost for a year), and i was survive. i don't know, well, is it just a way of survival that was just good, an terribly good adaption of my surroundings, so that i could survive just fine, or am i really introvert so i didn't need friends anymore on that time?

hmm.. i don't know. but i prefer to the last answer. yeah.

i really am introvert.

and here this a definition of introvert from here.

Introvert: Contrary to what most people think, an introvert is not simply a person who is shy. In fact, being shy has little to do with being an introvert! Shyness has an element of apprehension, nervousness and anxiety, and while an introvert may also be shy, introversion itself is not shyness. Basically, an introvert is a person who is energized by being alone and whose energy is drained by being around other people.

Introverts are more concerned with the inner world of the mind. They enjoy thinking, exploring their thoughts and feelings. They often avoid social situations because being around people drains their energy. This is true even if they have good social skills. After being with people for any length of time, such as at a party, they need time alone to "recharge."

even ya, just if you want to know, hehe, in my report book, on Mathematic subject, part "Groups Work", i got a very less marks. in every semester. i dont know why... is it just a sign? hehe.

well, yeah, maybe a little of the extroversion blood still there flowing inside my body, but the dominant ones is the introversion blood, so here i am... being this stupid introvert who felt just uncomfy when being around much people. haha.

so, the point is, i just wanna ask you, is it just right of being introvert? or is it make me such like an inhumane? well, answer me, please, i beg you guys...

February 10, 2009

100 Truths of Myself

so i got this tag from Sashaa, i really gotta do it ya Sha? huhuhu... banyak banget gini! T_T

tapi gapapa deh. well, here goes the questions and the answers of mine. :D

001. Real name : Putri Erdisa Januarti
002. Like it? : of course do! my parents gave it to me! why should I don't like it? :D
003. Nickname(s) : Putri, Iput, Siiput (hahaha, they tryna call me snail!)
004. Status : in a relationship with him ;)
005. Zodiac sign : Aquarius
006. Male or female : female of course. ah damn! don't you see that my name is Putri? grrr....
007. Elementary: SD Negeri 2 Serang (or they usually said, "SD Koalisi Nasional". hahaha bullsh*t)
008. Middle School : SMP Negeri 1 Serang
009. High School : SMA Negeri 1 Serang (right now)
010. Hair color : Black. But my bf said that it looks like brown. anyway, i wanna dye it with dark red someday.. :p
011. Long or short : err... not too long, not too short.
012. Eye color : dark brown
013. Weight : 47 kg (aahh what a shame..... -___-)
014. Height : 157 cm (shorty me)
015. Righty or lefty : righty
016. Loud or Quiet : loud. i can't even whispering, fyi. hahaha :D
017. Sweats or Jeans : Jeans
018. Phone or Camera : phone. call and SMS is all i need in my life. :D
019. Health freak : not too.
020. Piercings? : none. two in my ears already closed.
021. Do you have a crush on someone? : hahaha. Edward Cullen, Robert Pattinson! ;p
022. Eat or Drink : eat.
023. Purse or Backpack : purse.
024. Tattoos : yayy!! my bf ever had it on his back! and it's terribly cool! i wanna have one someday. ;)
025. Do You Like Yourself? : sometimes, no. many of my behaviour is just damn bad!
026. Current worry? : my unfinished homeworks... ;(

027. Orange or Apple Juice? : orange juice! apple is for eat, not to drink. ;p
028. Night or Day? : night.
029. Sun or Moon? : moon.
030. TV or Internet? : Internet. TV is absolutely not important.
031. PlayStation or XBox? : Playstation. Drooling for PS3.. T_T
032. Kiss or Hug? : hug. oh my, i'm a youngster and i'm not kissing!
033. Iguana or Turtle? : turtle, but don't like it too actually. :p
034. Spider or Bee? : bee. they are cute, but scary sometimes. haha
035. Fall or Spring? : fall. the weather is just very fine. and those leaves on the ground... hmmm... so sweet! but i like spring too, anyway! ;)
036. Limewire or iTunes? : iTunes.
037. Soccer or Baseball? : baseball is more fun. :D

038. First surgery : 3 sews on my temple, and 3 more on my eyelid. hehe
039. First piercing : forget.
040. First best friend : ajeng.
041. First Sport? : err.. walking when i was baby, maybe. ;p
042. First award : murid teadan waktu TK! lol. (sm kyk Sasha nih :p )
043. First crush : hm... frizky, maybe. lol.
044. First pet : chiro! my lovely white cat. momma miss you dear.... :(
045. First big vacation : Djogja. 12 hours in the car. ahaha
046. First big birthday : when i was 6, i think. hmm.. 

047. Eating : chicken roast.
048. Drinking : mineral water. haha
049. I’m about to : do my homeworks, for God's sake!!
050. Listening to : Hey Stephen - Taylor Swift.
051. Singing? : ngg,, humming to be exact. haha
052. Typing? : this tag.
053. Waiting for : next Sunday.

054. Want kids? : of course. those kids are loooovable! ;) 
055. When? : sometimes when i have a husband of course! huahaha
056. Want to get married? : yes.
057. When? : someday.
058. Where Do You Want To Live? : Japan.
059. Careers in mind : much. 
060. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? : stewardess. lol. :D
061. Mellow Future Or Wild? : depends. 
062. Something You Would Never Try? : eat pig, dog, drink alcohol, never do!

063. Lips or eyes : both.
064. Shorter or taller? : taller
065. Romantic or spontaneous : romantic. my bf is spontaneous and he's so peeves!
066. Nice stomach or nice arms : nice arms. the way he caressed me was so damn good! xD
067. Sensitive or loud : sensitive, but not too sensitive yaa. hehe
068. Hook-up or relationship : relationship.
069. Trouble maker or hesitant : trouble maker. i hate those hesitant!

070. Hugging or Kissing? : for God's sake! hug, i said huuugg!!!

071. Tan Skinned or Light? : tanned.

072. Dark or Light Hair? : dark.
073. Muscular or Normal? : normal.

074. Lost glasses/contacts : nope.
075. Ran away from home : hahaha almost did, but for sure, never.
076. Held a gun/knife for self defense? : hahaha of course no! (silly question)
077. Killed somebody : hahahaha. again this silly question goes. NO!
078. Broken someone’s heart : hahaha. much times! :P
079. Been arrested : no and never.
080. Cried when someone died : yep. i'm a crybaby. hahaha
081. Kissed A Stranger? : absolutely no!
082. Climbed Up A Tree? : hahaha, yes, but couldn't get back to the ground! xD
083. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? : honestly, yes, when i'm on the elementary school. guess who guess who!!! hahaha :D

084. Yourself : i definitely do..
085. Miracles : miracles helped me much. :D
086. Love at first sight : i'd ever.
087. Heaven : of course do.
088. Santa Claus : it's just a tale, i think.
089. Kiss on the first date : I AM NOT KISSING, o my gosh, how much times should you ask that to me?!

090. Is there one person you want to be with right now : yay! miss you ji..
091. Do You Like Someone? : like? surely yes! :D
092. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life : not too happy. much things made me thinking that this life is really unjustice!
093. Do you believe in God : silly question, yeeeeaaaahhh i dooooo!!!!

094. Received/ Sent Text Message : received:ochan; sent:ochan and uji.
095. Received Call : my bf (uji, or fauzi atually. hehe)
096. Call Made? : the same answer above.
097. Comment On MySpace? ; not sign up yet.
098. Missed Call? : hehe, my bf did. ;p
099. Person You Hung out With? : mada and rainy (long times ago. haha i miss you gals), and uji of course. oh, that's a date to be truth! :p
100. Post as 100 truths and tag….

Ah.... at last...

O my... i'm very weary... suck this tag! -___-

but thanks anyway to Sasha who had tag me. thanks ya Sha for make me this weary! hauauauauauaha! no, i'm just kidding. :p


hmm, other than that, i'm just wanna say thanks to all of you guys who had comment those sweet words on my blog! aaahhh very big thanks to you all pals! loooooove you much! yayyy!!

ahahaha. :D

okay, smell ya later fellas.. muah! :3

oh ya, tag yah: Ochan, Tio, Rizqi, Ka Devsy, Nadia, Ka Sleepyheaded Nindya, Indita, and that's all.

hahaha. happy tagging people! :D

February 09, 2009


Canon EOS 1D Mark III
sumpah! masa harganya sampe Rp 43.599.800 sih? ajegile! dapet mobil murah tuh bu! parah parah..... sampe lupa keminggris nih gue saking esmosinya!!! huahahahaha xD
parah abis!!!
secara, mending juga lomo kali yee..
harganya berapa sih?
tapi yg pasti ga akan sampe 45 jutaan kan? huahahaha.... emosiii emosiiii...... xD

February 08, 2009


aahh... i really wanna thank you all guys who had comment me on my last post about the 'it' anonymous. (thanks sist sleepyheaded nindya.. yeah it's proper to call the anonymous with 'it'.).

oh my. you all guys really do cheer me up again. huaaa, love you fellas. muah muah. ahaha :D


today is Sunday. yeah, Put, everybody knows that! hehe. tryna' joking. ;p . well, yah, this is Sunday, and the special event nowadays is SMANSA Cup, an event of my school, yeah, such a football competition gitu deh. the participants are from the classes entirely (so do my class!), and... jeng jeng jeng... the opening ceremony is started today guys! yippee... but so damn that i couldn't watch it, cause i'm just too tired to go anywhere out. just stay home and relaxing my mind of all those fu*kin school stuffs. hufh...

so here i am.

drooling for many things i found in google and apple.com. yaiiikksss!!! i really do drooling, people!!!! and please please don't disgust on me! hakhak.

so let we just see the things i am drooling for. ;p 

macbook air. (oh oke deh. this is a dream which will never do come true. anying yee bok! 20 jeti gitu loh! huahahah xD)

nano chromatic. my father said, just not the time yet for having this item. ergh... lantas kapan dong pah waktunyaaa??

blackberry. hahaha, eventhough the style is not so me, but still i want this thing! very much! gosh! kenapa sih kamu mesti mahal sekali Om Blekiii??? huhuhu ;(

so, yeah, that is it.

hahaha. you must be having those items already. aaahh, this is what i called "the unfairness of life!" lol.

well, i gotta study (more) for the Biology Exam next day. and many tasks i gotta do. aaargh, sh*t, school sucks!

so, see ya later fellas. thanks for reading my blog.

love you,


February 05, 2009

Dear Anonymous...

truth to be told, i really am not in the mood of writing. really.

but i could not press this feeling of hilarious. Yeah, Kambing Jantan the Movie, had been released!!!

gosh! and that was just damn good! REALLY!! xD

click this link to see it on youtube anyway. ;)


well, all in all, i've got a really critical comments from one of my lovely readers. but it's just so damn that he/she commented anonymously so i could not reply his/her comment. sigh...

well you can see his/her comment on my last post. i decided not to copy-paste the comment here in this post, because yeah, it's just impolite. :)

anyway, talking about the comments he/she gave to me.

yeah, the point is, he/she said that my english is very POOR, and he/she said that it would be just more proper if I posting in my blog with my OWN language.

that's it.

well, yea, truthly, it was shocking. because i could sense your tone, dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous. yeah i could sense your cynical tone. really! lol.

well, actually, dear anonymous, actually i should not being so that shocked, because:

1. I am a PURE Indonesian. Every single persons of my family is pure Indonesian. so i think it is reasonable if I could not talk english fluently. :)

2. I am a freshman on my high school, and i started learn english on the elementary school, grade 2 (I was 6 years old). and my elementary school is not as good as the International School do. I learned english not so that intensive. just if you want to know, dude. :)

3. I used my OWN language on daily conversation eeeeevery day. so, yeah, I don't have much time to practice my English except when I posting this blog. So, I really do sorry if you thought that it will be more proper if i just used my OWN language on posting this blog. Really sorry, but if i do, when could I practice my English again? then my formal study in the school is very damn busy! 9 hours a day, go home, take a rest, take a course, do homework, etc etc etc. Not to be seemed like i am an arrogant person, but i'm an acceleration student, my dear anonymous. i have only 2 years to finish my high school. really. that is so sucks!

4. you are anonymous. i don't know why didn't you just show me up your identity. do you have such reason? please tell me. :)

well, i don't know what else to say. so just let me finish this post because i have to go to a course. very much thanks to you all guys, especially for you, my dear anonymous. thanks a lot for critic me. I will do improve my english like what you've told to me. ;)

and if any of you have another critical for me, just sent me in the comment box or maybe you could send me email on lie_radcliffe@yahoo.com. i will do accept it sincerely.

especially for this fu**in poor english yaaa.... really really sorry niiihh!!! huahahahahaha!! lol.

well, love you all guys.



well, just wanna share some photos. maybe later for the stories. yeah, so sorry, i'm just too lazy to write it down. hahaha. enjoy the pics, anyhow! ;)

(just click the image to see it clearer)

our togetherness... :D

the lunch. before and after we ate! kikikikik! xD

Uthe and Me. (my teacher said that we are alike! i definitely think not!)

this is very hard, i'm tellin ya!

SPLASH!!! hahaha good effect; poor camera.

again; our togetherness on the river! yay!

cross this swift flow river! my Gosh! thanks for keep me alive...

all green as far as we gaze! beautiful! 

this poor firefly... ouch! many fireflies there, have i told you? ;)

take a bath (without any shower, nor bathtub). hahaha fun fun fun! 

the river... (i really do love the angle of taking this photo.)

yeah yeah. slippery soil everywhere we step.

tired, but still enthusiasm... hahaha! xD

aaahh.... nothing but cool....

again; nothing but cool....

hahaha. this is the pic i taken before i went hiking. ;) weird smile, yeah i know.

the same notes as the pic above. ;) 

so, do you love those pics?

share me your opinions pals.



February 04, 2009

15 Things Guys Don't Know About Girls

Well, this is only a funny-list I just viewed on a blog: Whispers of Cassey Bunny. it really is a nice blog, i'm surely say. ;)

now then, the post is about 15 things guys don't know about girls. like what i wrote on the post-title above.

Cassey got it from a magazine and ask every her readers to make the same post like she did. So, here goes my own version! 

well, just a little different point of view. enjoy! ;) 

1. Don't ever call us ugly, even if we really are ugly, or even if you just kidding. We just hate it.

2. Every girl loves gifts. Don't care how much or how less money you spent, girls just love all the special things you give.

3. We love surprise. Really. 

4. When we are both on the cinema, just follow what we want to watch, instead of choose your own wants. (Anyway it's okay if your choice is really damn good). 

5. Share us your problems, your obstacles, and lean on us. we will be there to hug you and bring back your spirit. 

6. We love it when you invite us to your house to be introduced to your parents. it means you are serious with our realationship and you are appreciated us much. ;)

7. Don't ever hang up the phone within the talks is still running by.

8. Hold our hand. Whenever we felt scarry of something, whenever we need your soft touches, or whenever we cross by the street. :D

9. Don't ever cheat! We have much friends and they will tell us if you really do cheat with someone else.

10. When we cry, don't ask us to stop. Hug us and let us cry all over your shoulder. (copied from Cassey)

11. We love it when you take one or some candid pictures of us. hihi ;p 

12. Don't ever broke every single your promises. don't care how much simple it is. 

13. Please understand us when we are PMS and act peeves. it is hormon work, dude. ;p

14. We really love you when you hug us tightfully and say, "So sorry, dear...". We will do forgive every your faults. :)

15. The words 'I love you' is a magic words. So please say it romantically, whisper it on our ears, and we will really do love you more and more. :)

well done, those are 15 things i hope guys know about girls. nevertheless, i think you should make your own list, girls, nor if you readers are boys, just make what you want girls know about you boys! surely, it is very fun! :D

share me your opinion on the comments, guys. ;)

picture from here

February 03, 2009


o my Gosh! i found a link about a fashion online-shop in Diana's blog. candypopand well, I ABSOLUTELY AM FALLIN IN LOVE WITH ALL THEIR STUFFS!!!

o  my God... how could they designed all those stuffs became a superdupermega cute for teenage girls like us! yay! they're definitely inspiring! very inspiring! xD

see ones of those stuffs..

which one do you love best? I almost addicted with the last one... hihi. x)

February 02, 2009


barusan gue nemu link dari blognya nadya , http://dontvisitindon2008.blogspot.com/.

Well, seperti yg terlihat di web addressnya, itu blog tentang orang (katanya sih) Singapore yang berusaha eksis di dunia perblogan dengan cara ngejelek-jeleking Indonesia.

Dia bahkan gak tau apa yang dia omongin. hahaha, gue cuma ngekek baca blognya dia.

dan sumpah deh, yang lebih aneh laginyaaa... kenapa ada 500-an komen di tiap postingannya dia?

gue jadi bingung siapa yang salah, siapa yang bener, siapa yang bego, siapa yang pinter.

sekarang gini, awalnya memang 'mereka' pembuat blog itu yang salah, karena menjelek-jelekkan Indonesia. ya, mereka salah besar. bisa dibilang adalah sebuah pencemaran nama baik. now then, mereka juga ga tau apa yang sebenarnya mereka omongin (fyi, they said that our country is a kingdom, while the truth is republic, right?). dan karena toh kita semua juga tau kalo mereka ngomong asal-asalan plus ga bermutu, lantas kenapa mesti kita peduliin?

gue heran sumpah heran sama orang-orang yang komen di blog mereka.

orang-orang kurang kerjaan seperti mereka itu, yang cuma bisa mengorek kesalahan dari negara lain (padahal info aja ga bener semua), itu cuma pengen nyari perhatian, istilahnya, biar beken gitu loh di dunia perblogan. LOL.

semakin kita merespon, semakin senang mereka, semakin giat lah mereka nyari-nyari kelemahan Indonesia, yang sebenarnya memang banyak. hey, kita harus realistis ya. gue bukannya ngedukung apa yang dibilang sama 'mereka' tentang negara kita, nggak sama sekali, suer! tapi coba dong kita realistis. buka mata lo baik-baik. be objective!

pemerintah kita korupsi udah mencapai 15 digit rupiah tiap tahunnya, orang-orang kita kurang melestarikan budaya kita sendiri. sekalinya melestarikan, pas udah mau direbut sama negara lain. lol. aneh banget Indonesia ini!

well, itu salah satu kekurangan dari sekian banyaaaak kekurangan yang dimiliki negara kita... tolong ya, be objective. seluruh dunia juga udah tau kok kalo kita kayak begitu, jadi ga perlu deh kita tutup-tutupin lagi, karena emang ga penting juga sih, malah kesannya kita jadi kayak orang bodoh yang berusaha terlihat pintar. mendingan sih kita jadi orang bodoh yang berusaha jadi pintar. iya nggak sih? hahaha...

tapi di lain pihak, kita juga punya berbagai kelebihan, tapi anehnya ga ada yang mengekspos kelebihan-kelebihan kita itu. ngekek lagi gua. emang ya, saat isu tentang kejahatan sudah berlarian ngelilingin bumi, isu tentang kebaikan baru beres ngiket tali sepatunya. hahahahahaha. sungguh peribahasa yang pas! 

tapi oke, disisi lain, 'mereka' juga sama sekali ga punya hak buat nyebarin keburukan-keburukan Indonesia seperti itu. 'mereka' tetap salah!

ah udah ah, mau sekolah dulu nih. pagi-pagi jadi emosi gini gua! muahahahaha... xD

see ya readers!

sorry for being sarcastic here. ;)

postingan males-malesan ini...


kemaren gue dan anak2 sekelas gue baru pergi hiking. seru banget, banget! tapi sori banget juga belom bisa ngepost apa2. masih cape banget (baru pulang kemaren malem), dan pagi ini gue langsung sekolah. full belajar and diceramahin ga penting banget sama kepala sekolah pula! (kebanyakan kata 'banget' deh! sumpah ye bahasa indonesia gue nih jelek banget! ih males banget! ya ampun,,, stop!!)

oia, tapi kalo mau baca sebagian ceritanya tentang hiking itu, silakan buka link ini. ini blognya ochan, salah satu temen gue di aksel yang kemaren ikut hiking juga. tapi sayang deh baru part 1-nya. tapi gapapa deh yah, ntar gue posting yang lengkap kok. tapi kalo niat sih! (dan sebenernya gue ga niat saking panjangnya cerita yang harus gue ceritain! muahahahahaha! *tawa setan*)

eniwei, gue kasih fotonya dulu aja yah.



belom sempet diedit sih fotonya, dan semua fotonya ukurannya 5MB-an. jadi nguploadnya luaaamaaaa banget! ntar deh ya gue edit2 dulu. maap nih maap banget deh sumpaahh!! x(

and sorry for posting not in english... lagi males keminggris. hahahaha ni mata udah pengen merem aja.

oke deh, talk much laters fellas. 

