December 29, 2010

Aimless Post

Hello. This is me again. Tryin to twist a word or two. Right now, it's only me and digital note books, my lousy grammar, and emotions; I feel like bursting. I don’t have any idea but I know that I need to write. Or I am going to burst. Well, keep on reading. For the next numerous words, sentences or even paragraphs you will read, are just short updates.

Everyday is inconsistent, a contradiction and far from agreement. In what particular way, do not ask. Well are you sure you want to keep on reading? These are just short updates. 10:10pm and it’s so quite down here. It’s only me and the voice inside my head telling me what to write. Well, nothing. Much. I don’t know. Ah. 10:13pm now. Feels like 2am already. 1 minute feels like forever. Writing this diminutive, fastidious arrangement of words unquestionably doesn’t make me feel less of a bad writer. Having envy feelings for those who write without flaw or without intermissions. Hey, am I a bad writer, like, really, what do you think?

11:10pm. Sorry the writing was postponed. It was my brother and his mom coming visiting me. Goddamn I can’t stop smiling! It’s only hours ago when Ibu asked: “Putri kapan main ke Bandung? Lagi liburan kan?” Taunya Ibu malah telpon: “Putri, blok A3 teh dimana? Kok ga ada yang nomor 11 ya?” HAHAHAHHAHA anjir ibu nakal banget! Terus tau-tau udah muncul depan kosan aja. Dicium pipi kanan-kiri-dahi and she said: “Ibu kangen Putriiii!” Ya Allah padahal bukan Ibu sendiri tapi sayangnya bukan main. :’)

And then Ochan showed me his wrist and tadaaaaa…. He wore the watch! Haha glad it fit on you, brotha!

And guess what? Ibu brought me a cake I loveeeeeee the most from Jalan Merdeka! Ya ampuuun I’m flattered she still remembered my favorite cake! Thousand kisses for you, Ibu! And warmest hugs for yous, brother and lil brother! ({})


P.S. See how moody I am. There. ;p

December 28, 2010

500 Days of Summer

"Hey Tom, look. I know you think that she was the one. But I don't. Now I think you just remembering the good stuff. Next time you look back, uh... I really think you should look again." - Rachel Hansen

I've just watched 500 Days of Summer. And... My very first opinion about that movie would be: Summer Finn sucks. But she resembled me a lot. hehe. First, she had a strong belief that relationship (or in this case, commitment) is so not necessary needed since it would only hurt people's feelings and it doesn't make sense to build a commitment if it's only supposed to hurt. And she also added that she didn't want to be anybody's anything. Literally.

Well, that makes sense. And that is what I actually believed too for so many years back. The only reason why I make "relationships" with some boys is because... Well, I wanted to do that. I have told you in the latest post that I am a very impulsive person, right?

Second, the boy in that movie, Tom Hansen, is also stupid. Why? Because he fell way way way too fast on Summer! Why did he trust her that much? Why did he think that Summer is the only fish in the sea? Why did he get hurt when Summer finally ended it up? Summer had told you at first that she didn't want a serious relationship, jerk! Oh my God, what's with these men? Hasn't they grew up already?! Why do they take these relationship thingy soooo seriously? Oh man, I tell you, we're all young, we're all living in the world to seek for happiness, not the other way around. Get it? What I wanna say is, relationship sucks and messy and rude and it is not supposed to make people happy. Well, okay, it will trigger butterflies in your stomach and makes you feel like being in heaven, AT FIRST. But let's see what happen next when it comes to 300 days of your relationship. Will it still feel the same? It's not.

Ah anyways, this is just my two cents, don't take it seriously, kayss? And pardon me if I'm being offensive or something. And... I wrote this one with BB again so pardon me again if I get some typos or grammatical error or etc.

Smell you later, lovely readers! xoxo

A Process Of Growing Up, I Should Say

Hi. This is gonna be my first post written via BB. Something suddenly plops into my mind and urge me to write it out.

Well, you know my life has been quite hectic these days. Not to say, chaotic. I had a lot of activities beside the college itself (let's count: BEM-KM, PSM, Bulaksumur Pos, APPS, Senate, KoMUN ― 7). It's overwhelming, really, no need to argue and claiming me as a sok-sibuk person. I'm not trying to seem like I am, anyway.

Well I bought a time table board last month and I found it's hard ― I repeat, HARD ― to leave a box of date in blank since I got NO DAYS without NO activity consisted in it. And some of them also took the same time so it forced me to choose which one is prior and which one is not. I have been so careless about daily agenda eversince I born; my very favorite quote is: "Go with the flow. Do things that please you best, and you will find the way." I never planned something before doing it. I am a real impulsive. If I wanted to do something then I do it; if I wanted to accomplish something then I strive. Well I am a great event organizer, I should admit. But those things were just out of plan.
I never made a new year resolution for the whole time of my life. I never listed any goals and glued it on my wall or something. I am just not that kind of person, trust me.

But then college starts and everything was changing. I lived alone and it's somehow frustrating to manage everything alone without mommy's assistance. I through bunch of problems dealing with times. I forgot many meetings to come. I forgot 1-2 interviews due to the committees open recruitment. I forgot college tasks. I forgot to do that and this. I forgot nearly everything. Then I realized that it's me who got the problem. Not the too-many-activities or too-many-tasks-and-silly-lectures to blame. It's me myself. I'm being very careless upon my own life and there I stumbled on my own feet. I realized it's time for me to change my stupid belief that life doesn't need plan. It does need, in fact.

My first attempt was buying the time-table board and fill my daily agenda on every box. Then I hang it on the wall in front of my bed so every morning I woke up from sleep, I could see what was my agenda that day. I updated it as fast as I can if I get a new update of activities and/or a fixation of particular activities. So I will never forget. And well, it helps. Not to mention, a lot! And as what I've never understood before, making agenda of your daily activities is fun! It makes you organized; since you will get reminded every morning when you woke up so you will never forget about what you are going to do the whole day.

And by the way, I feel kind of more mature by doing that. I love growing up. I don't want to be infantile all over again. I am an undergraduate freshman already, for god's sake!

Well, that's all I want to share. Wish me luck for these college-things! Xoxo

P.S. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! I'm so excited that this is the 3rd christmas for my Princess Diary! You may be old, Di, but you're still fabulous as ever! Agree, readers? ;)
P.P.S. Happy birthday Muhammad Fauzan Triandi! I miss you real bad! Hope you're gonna like the present! Be fine over there! *hugs*

December 04, 2010

College Stuff

Ada yang nyuru gue bikin post tentang materi kuliah. Boleh juga. Mumpung lagi bosen jadi gue share aja ya sekarang sama kalian semua. Gue dapet 19 SKS dan 11 mata kuliah di semester 1 ini. Oh ya, untuk yg belum tau, gue jurusan Farmasi di Universitas Gadjah Mada. hehe

Dan ke-11 mata kuliah itu adalah...
1. Farmasetika Dasar I
Jadi disini gue belajar tentang bahasa latin yang sering dipake dalam pembuatan resep. Oh trust me bahasa latin itu sama sekali nggak gampang! Setiap kata aja punya LIMA deklinasi yang pemakaiannya beda tergantung kata itu diposisikan sebagai apa (objek, subjek, dsb). Dan setiap kata juga punya jenis kelamin sendiri. Terus juga belajar tentang macam-macam sediaan obat (serbuk, tablet, kapsul, injeksi, suppositoria, dsb) -- cara pembuatan masing-masing sediaan sampai spesifikasi masing-masing sediaan. Dan di semester 2 nanti gue bakalan dapet praktikumnya which is bikin obat itu sendiri with my own hands. haha I bet it's gonna be fun. oh ya fyi, gue ga tau kenapa tapi gue selalu ngantuk lho kalo kuliah ini. Uhm.. I blame the lecturer. She is old and boring. :(

2. Kimia Farmasi Dasar I
Kalo ini kebanyakan materinya sama kayak di SMA. Well namanya juga dasar. Tapi dia lebih spesifik lagi di bagian hibridasi atom, yang sumpah ternyata susah banget! Apalagi di kuliah ini kita dibiasakan untuk membayangkan sebuah susunan molekul dalam bentuk 3D nya bukan lagi dalam bentuk 2D nya. Susah. BANGET. HAHA. And believe me praktikumnya ga semudah yang lo bayangkan men. haha (tersinggung karena waktu gue pasang jadwal praktikum jadi display picture BBM ada yang komen: "Itu bukannya materi SMA semua ya?" Sialan banget gue merasa diremehkan nih hahaha)

3. Parasitologi
We learn helminths and protozoas here. Yes helminth. Cacing. All detail about every helminth living in the world. Dari yang ukurannya dalam mikrometer sampe yang bermeter-meter, dari yang paling cute (bentuknya kayak owl) sampai yang paling menjijikkan kayak benang kusut. Oh ya tapi ini belajarnya tentang cacing yang infektif aja sih. Kalo macam cacing tanah gitu ga dibahas karena ga infektif. Oh ya ada tuh dosen yang kalo nerangin pake powerpoint, masang foto-foto ekstrim manusia yang terinfeksi cacing. Sumpah jijik banget! Ada yang rektumnya keluar dari anus gara-gara cacing apa gitu gue lupa, sampe ada yang muntahin cacing dari hidungnya gara-gara infeksi parah. Ew... Imagine that!

4. Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia
Kebanyakan dosen yang ngajar materi ini dari kedokteran. Gue ga terlalu suka. Entah kenapa tapi para dosen itu kayaknya menganggap diri mereka eksklusif. Penjelasannya tingkat dewa and I barely catch it, haha. Kemaren aja waktu UTS gue blank sama sekali di matkul ini. Dasarnya gue bego kali ya. Ga kebayang kalo masuk Kedokteran. -_______-"

5. Farmasi Fisik I
Ahhhh sumpah ini susah! Gabungan dari farmasi dan fisika! Sumpah gue benci matkul iniiiiiiii! Ga usah dijelasin deh pokoknya gue berantakan BANGET disini! Mana dosennya nyebelin lagi! LENGKAP!

6. Kimia Organik I
Here it is. Matkul paling dewa sepanjang sejarah. Haha lebay. Jadi kimia organik ini menekankan pembelajaran pada molekul-molekul yang mengandung atom C (carbon). Which is banyaaaak sekaaaaliiiiiiii dari yg mulai paling simple seperti metana sampe senyawa naujubilah kayak aromatik, lemak, dsb yang sumpah unbelievable sekali betapa ada molekul serumit itu di bumi ini. Dan btw, kita belajarnya pake 3D lho. I mean, kalo lo ngegambarin molekul CH4 (metana), berarti gambarnya harus C sbg atom pusat di tengah-tengah, dan keempat H diletakkan sedimikian rupa dengan sudut masing-masing 109.5 derajat sampe akhirnya itu berwujud limas segitiga yang sudutnya sama. Got it? Oh well forget it gue juga ga ngerti kok hahahahaha

7. Biologi Sel
Bukannya susah sih. Sebenernya simple. Belajar struktur sel secara detaiiiiiiiil banget dari mulai sitoplasma sampe bagian terdalam mitokondria. Semua materinya dari SMA, cuma ditelisik lebih dalam sampe ke masalah yang sangat polemik dan menentang Tuhan seperti: "Apakah keberadaan sentriol itu penting?" Jelas sentriol itu organ yang menghasilkan spindle dan berperan utama dalam pembelahan sel. Tapi itu emang polemik banget karena ternyata ditemukan bahwa sel yang sentriol-nya dibuang pun masih bisa melakukan pembelahan sel. Itu ada di Campbell di bagian sitoskeleton. Well, apa yang paling bikin nyebelin dari mata kuliah ini, adalah, dosennya. Dosen pengampu I, Pak Djoko, itu prinsip kuliahnya adalah diskusi. Jadi dia ngasih kita problem, ehm contohnya ya yang masih gue inget itu: "Membran plasma itu berasal darimana?" Hahaha konyol kan pertanyaannya?! Jelas aja dari Tuhan lah, Pak! Tapi seriously he got the answer lho! Bullshit banget. I never get the point of learning it all. Sedangkan dosen pengampu II, meskipun ga diskusi, tapi kuliahnya itu pake bahasa yang tinggiiiiiiiiiii banget. Gue sampe ga ngerti dia ngomong bahasa apa. Mana ini kuliahnya sore lagi. Udahlah tidur aja itu mah di kelas. HAHA sesat ya gue

8. Matematika dan Fisika Dasar
Ini bisa dibilang matkul yang paling "santai". Dosennya asik, materinya fully materi SMA. Jadi gue masih bisa handle dalam proses perkuliahan. Tapi tetep aja pas udah ketemu soal-soal UTS..... JRENG! Kenapa pas contoh soal gampang-gampang lah pas UTS malah kayak soal olimpiade?!!! HAHAHAHA dendam banget lah itu sama dosennya. Mana soalnya cuma 15 dan checkpoint lagi. Gimana mau dapet A coba. Salah 3 aja udah dibawah 75! Sheez.

9. Praktikum Kimia Farmasi Dasar
Praktikumnya ini sinting. Bukan masalah proses praktikumnya. Well, proses praktikumnya juga sih. Jadi kita tuh melakukan praktikum dalam rentang waktu 4 jam. Oke itu masih bisa diterima since the replication itself is about 2 or 3 times. Maksudnya replikasi itu pengulangan. Jadi satu percobaan kita ulang sampe 3 kali biar dapet data yang mendekati akurasi. Tapi oh men itu capek banget gue bersumpah! Belum lagi laporannya... Laporannya itu at least 20 lembar dan TULIS TANGAN! Di kertas F4 yang marginnya sempiiiiiiit sekali. Itu kalo udah ngerjain laporan rasanya pengen nangis lah meratapi nasib kenapa dulu milih farmasi. Anyway, bisa ngabisin 2 pulpen lho sekali bikin laporan. HAHAHA kemaren laporan terbaru gue sampe 31 halaman tuh! Dahsyat kan? Ayo sini masuk Farmasi UGM! Haha

10. Praktikum Farmasi Fisik
Hampir sama kayak praktikum KFD tapi bedanya ini lebih rumit dalam proses praktikumnya. Ga ada materi SMA. Beneran materi baru. Alat-alatnya juga nyeremin banget. Ada tuh alat namanya kuvet, kecil banget cuma sekitar 4 cm, bentuknya kayak tabung reaksi tapi dia kotak ga bulet. Dan itu harganya berapa coba tebak? 1.5 juta! JREEEEENG! Hahaha. What is so special about that damn tiny thing is that UV light can passed the glass layer. Lapisan kacanya khusus banget. Ga boleh dipegang asal. Terus ada alat namanya spektrofotometer, itu fungsinya buat ngebaca asorbansi, harganya at least 100juta. HAHA. Nyebelin banget yaaa kebayang deh kalo gue ngancurin itu alat-alat pasti langsung miskin seketika. Ah but the good news is laporannya digarap bertiga sama kelompok. Jadi lebih ringan. :D

11. Praktikum Anatomi dan Fisiologi Manusia
Kalo ini praktikumnya di Kedokteran. Materinya ecek-ecek sih, cuma kayak ngecek tekanan darah, cold pressure test, cek Hb, golongan darah, tes urin, dsb dsb dsb. Meskipun judulnya somehow sound very simple, tapi serius deh pas praktikum ga semudah itu lho. Haha apa lagi kalo ini durasinya cuma 2 jam. Belum lagi pre-test dan post-test yang nyita hampir 1 jam. Oh iya pre-test post-test! Jadi di setiap praktikum tuh ada pre-test dan post-test yang menentukan nilai akhir juga. Kalo Farmasi Fisik malah ribet lagi harus bikin resume percobaan dulu yang mesti dikumpulin sebelum praktikum. Dan pre-test nya lisan + tulisan. Nyebelin banget lah itu. Asiknya praktikum anfisman ini ga harus ngerjain laporan! hehe lumayan ngurangin beban seminggu :)

Well that's all. Maaf ya bahasanya acak-acakan. Ini gue in the middle of making a paper. HAHA. Hebat kan gue sempet bikin post segala. Eh btw comment ya sepi nih comment box gue! Hehe desperate banget ya

Well this is Putri over and out!