But... maybe i'm gonna tell u some things you have to know, and those are:
1. I was so frustated of my homelife. (don't ask anything bout it, please).
2. I'll got an Academic Potential Test (TPA) on the next wednesday, and...
3. I'm really not in the mood to study! what the hell I am, for God's sake!
4. I hate my ex. Well, period.
5. I love Twilight Series, but it was just tooooooo boring on the first. At least, on Eclipse. phufth... the part of Jasper's story are too much and uninteresting, Mrs. Meyer. :S
6. I'm in love with The Cooking Academy game. find it out! it was really really fuuuunn!!! xD
7. I'm not in the mood of blogging. Seems like this blog is already so so boring till made people dead. haha. (hey, i'm serious!)
8. Well, I have to study...
9. ...right now!!!
So, see ya guys! :D
leave me comments, it really will made my day.
with love :3,
coocking academy emang yahud gitu kan! hahaha
hhhaha, bener tuh, bagian jasper emang rada membosankan, terlebih lagi aku waktu itu bacanya yg edisi inggris dan 2 jam sebelum oprasi skoliosis, eugh,berasa deeh,
cayoo ya buat TPA nya! :D
@Indita: wiiihh, kamu punya juga? aku langsung maen yg ke-2 ind, yg ke-1 jauh beda kan ya? beuh emang asoi dah tu game! :D
@Intan: wiihh,, keren kamu baca yg inggris ver! aku juga pengen sih, tapi kyknya lebih mahal ya.. iya ga sih? :D
wah, makasih ya intan. :)
hello.. salam kenal ya.. aku indra.. ku berasal dari palembang.. aku senang banget membaca blog kamu.. moga kita bisa menjadi teman ya
iya nih .. mau uan.. doain ya syg :)
@Indra: oh halo indra.. makasih ya udah mampir2 blog aku. oke, let make friends. :D
@Nindya: oke deh ka ... :D
hey putri.. your english is so good for a girl like u.. i'm 24 years old and my english is so bad.. how you learn the english?? do speak english in daily conversation in your social life with your family and your friends?? just curious putri.. :D
@fika: hello fika... :)
wah, thank yoooouu. i thought my english is not as good as you've said, someone ever dropped such harsh comments on my blog about my messy english. hehe, but i am really pleased if you think so. :D
well, i do not speak english in my daily life, fika, i used indonesian lang. as well as i should do. hehe :p
i'm just trying to use english on my posts. yeah, practice makes perfect, i guess. hehe :)
anyway, do you know why couldnt I open your profile? dont have any idea why does it happens. :/
yeah putri.. i never post anything in my blog.. actually,i really want to share my life as a blogger like u or raditya dika (my favorite blogger) or diana rikasari (my favorite fashion blogger) but don't know why i'm not confident to do that.. hehehehehehe.. but i promise someday i will.. LOL.. nice to know u putri.. :D
@fika: ah well. nice to know you too fika. :D let me be the first to kno when you are having your own blog, will you? ;)
btw TPA itu apa sie, jamanku dulu gak ada TPA2an kayaknya
jadi kayak UTS gitu put, tapi lebih menekankan ke 4 plajaran MIPA-nya.
penetu juga sih buat rapotan juni ntar.
loh emang kamu sekolah dimana? :D
im with you on number 4
nice blog. :]
okay say.. :D kiss..kiss..
@Elizabeth: oh really? you do also hate your ex? ahaha, cool... :p
anyway, thank you. your blog much better than mine. :)
@fika: oke ka fika. kiss kiss juga.. hehe :p
hhm iya sih, tapi itu permintaan terakhir aku sebelum dioperasi put, hhehe ;p
sama sama :)
put, kamu punya cooking academy yang kedua? rame nggak? wow aku nyari2 g ada :(
@intan: waaahh emang skoliosis tuh apaan sih? kok bisa sampe dioperasi segala? ck ck .. seram!
eh, aku malah ga punya yg kesatunya. tukeren yiuuukk! hahaha :D
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