March 19, 2009

Bad and Good Recently

I had plenty of things to share. But I don't think I could share them all. Some of them are... well, agonizing enough to be told. At least for me myself.

You know, some stuffs from my ex.

Oh okay! I’ll tell you some more about it, but now, let me just tell you some things lighter, won’t you? ;)

Here they are…

1. I got second rank for the exam took last week! Math, Physic, Biology, Chemistry, all done! Lol. I’ve never been this happy for a whole month! :D

2. I’ve just got an e-mail from my beloved friend, Riris. She sent me the pdf of Midnight Sun! Oh Lord! She was veeeeeeeeeeery kind! Thank you Ris, thank yoooooouu….. x)

3. I’ve finished Eclipse, and satisified enough with the story. Well, I’m happy knowing Edward had back and didn’t go for the entire story. Haha :D But I hate Jacob. Bella looked so dumb loving a guy like that. Heck!

4. I bought a pair of shoes for my little brother; he’s happy, and it’s just lovely, you know! ;D

5. I got many comments about my hair in this blog. Wow, nothing could be greater than this! :D
And here, the gloomy ones are…

1. My ex refused me. He said, “I don’t wanna make you saddened anymore. I ‘m really not proper to be your boyfriend. You could go finding ones who is proper to you, dear; I’m not. Believe me, we are made not to be together, I’m sure a tough girl like you could survive this and forget me soon or lately. I believe in you.”
My comments: CRAP! 

2. I got plenty of tasks. Drama, music show (I handle the “pianika”), physic task, chemistry task, biology oral and written test, mandarin oral and written test, ITC, and maaaaaaaaaany more!
Haha. Sounds fuckin right? -,-

Anyways, I want to post some pictures I got recently. I must be honest that I love these muuuuch!

pictures from: here, and here

hope you love them and, 

enjoy your days guys! woaa.. it almost weekend! what are your planning? ;)


Ferinda P Lestari said...

hanging out with my truly bff! woah those activities could be so tiring for you yaa put hehe

Nunu Fithria said...

Waaw congrats for the rank you achieve! :--)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Ferinda: oh yeah they really are. made me so so tired all day in a week! ;(

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Nunu Fithria: thanks Nu.. :D

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your ex.. but maybe he's right. don't u think? ayo kita cari gebetan baruuu.. heheheh..
congrats with ur exam!

Fathya said...

waw waw waw!! you've read eclipse?! new moon aja gue blom.. hahaha (too distracted by Paulo Coelho's novels)

btw, congrats for the rank! you've deserved it!!

Indita said...

yaya, aneh bnget si bela tuh ah -,-
eww, baca aja mdnght sun BAGUS BANGET NGET loh. jadi makin terpesona ama kang edward ;D yaampunnn. haha
enw, congratz ya yang rangking 2 ;)

Diana said...

Thanks for the lovely comment!!
Ex's can be a pain, grrr.


You're so cute and sweet. Thank you for your comment. LOVE that first photo so much!! :]


Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@devishanty: iya sih ka, mungkin juga sih dia bener. tapi yaudalah.. haha. ayooo kita cari gebetan baru! xD

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Fathman: haiii Fathman! hihi, iya doong! seru kok Fath, baca aja deh! :)
waaw, thank you... you are so lovely, dont you know? ;D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Indita: iya tuh si Bella aneh banget gila, masa suka sm werewolf ga keren begitu sih! aku sm Taylor Lautner-nya aja ga terlalu suka sih. -,-
oke Ind.. ntar aku post deh kalo udah baca midnight sun! :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Diana: you're welcome, dear! :D oh yea, it's soooo painful!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@fashion Chalet: hihi, that's my favorite, actually. ;)
and you're welcome.

私のブログ (My Blog) said...


By :

Emz said...

Those are such cute pictures! And haha, I really need to start reading the Twilight series but I need to hide them because people are so not romantics here..

muchlove said...

thanks Putri (and yes, my name is Anna :)
I like that last picture!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Emz: really?! where do you live actually? :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@muchlove: so do I. glad to know that you love it too. ;)

Indita said...

huaa asik asik asik, ga suka taylor lautner juga kan. haha. toss! akhirnya ada juga yang sehati ama akika. bahaha

Smiler vs Frowner said...

Allô Putri..
C0ngratulati0n for d rank..
Your ex d0n't deserve u, just prepare for sooo new n sooo fresh that u really deserve..

Anonymous said...

cute guy in that pic! :P

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Indita: hahahaha toss juga deh ind! xD

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Smiler vs Frowner: oh thank you so much daghling for the cheers you give! ;D
i promise i will do forget him as soon as possible. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@nenoneno: oh yeah he really is! ;)

Anonymous said...

rangking 2..
congrats yaa, siz!!
gw jd ga tau apa" ttg lu n uji nihh
lu jarang crta sih

prisintan said...

selamat yaa rangking duanya :D
sabar ya buat love storynyaa

hhaha, aku juga pernah gt, tapi aku g bilang aku mau balikans sama dia sih, tapi tetep aja nyesek, :|
y sudahlah, masih muda ini, have fun aja yaa dear ! :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@sizkuh: makasih cantiiikk!! xD parah nih, gue dibawah ochan mulu! sigh.. -,-
eh iya, sori ya gue ga pernah cerita soal uji. gue emang jarang cerita ma siapa2 kok skrg. hehe. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@intan: thanksoooo intan! ;D
iya nih, harus bersabar ekstra tinggi. hahaha. ^_^
oke deh tan, lagi fishing cowo baru nih aku! huahaha :D

Anonymous said...

hahahah dittO! i hate jacob too.. huhuhu annoyiiing )x aww.. so sad about you and your bf, Put. semangat yaa! mau doong pdf nya midnight sun! hehe :P

Anonymous said...

aduh cowoknya rugi banget tuh, hihihi ... tapi kaya'nya dia ada di posisi aku sekarang deh :p

Eh minta juga dong midnight sun-nya ??? aku punya, tapi satu bab doang, hahahaha ...

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Sasha: yay! toast ah! aku mah dari pertama nonton twilight aja udah ga suka sm Taylor-nya.. :p
oh kamu ksitau aja alamat e-mail kamu, ntar aku kirim, ok? ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Fenty: ahaha emang dia rugi banget deh udah kehilangan aku! narsis mode: on. :p
oh yaudah, ksitau aja alamat email kamu, ntar aku kirim ASAP. :)

Susanna Katariina said...

those muffins look so cute that I couldn't eat them even if I wanted :D and you got here some nice pictures too :)

Anonymous said...

email gue: thank's puttt hehe :P bagus nga midnight summer nya? gue baru mau nyelesaiin eclipse, trus baca breaking dawn.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Susku: oh hahaha, yeah, they looked sooo yumm! thanks dear. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Sasha: Midnight Sun, Sha, bukan Summer. itu mah nama blognya si jeng Istina! hahaha :D
itu udah aku kirim, ntar kalo nyampe kasitau ya.
aku belom sempet baca semuanya say, males sih baca di pc! :S

Love + Cake said...

Are those TEDDY GRAHAMS in your cupcakes?!?!? yum!!!!! hahahaha!


Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Maverick: No dear, that cupcakes were not mine at all. :D i think i had put the sources of those images. ;)

Anonymous said...

wow. great blog~!

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Anonymous said...