March 08, 2009

New Haircut!

Guys, have i told you that i cut my hair down?

oh well, i haven't. so now you know, my beloved readers. :)

and here are some (ugly) pics of mine.

ooohh, don't say anything! i know my hair absolutely are uglyyyyy!!!! huhuhu.... damn you the haircutter! sigh...

how do i look with that wide smile? hehe :p

anyway, i really do want to dye my hair red (yeah, you know, i'm a big fans of paramore! haha!). But then, my mommy forbid me to do that. You know, school reason.

aaargghhh what the hell!!!

oh well, now I gotta study more and more for the TPA two days more. fiuuhh... -____-

this is putri over and out. CIAO!


Lynn said...

bagus2 aja ah haircutnya!
lebih fresh dan enteng kan.. hehe.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

ah masa sih? hm.. bagus deh kalo emang gitu. hehe :D

Indita said...

bagus kok put :) hehe

Fathya said...

iya kok bagus gitu.. pas ama bentuk muka. bener dah!
pendek itu enak kok.

abs said...

umm,well..looks gud koq put...but i rather like your hair style before..

eia,.eki bet ama gw,lo bakal potong rambut ga..hha~

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Indita: ah makasiiihh indii.. hihi :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Fathman: hmm.. iya juga sih ya.. bentuk muka aku emang agak bulet agak lonjong (apaan sih?). tengs yaa... :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@tio: huaaa... jahat! terus sapa yg menang? he must treat me then. huahahahhaha! xD

Istina said...

there's no problem with your hair, I like it anywaaay :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Istina: oh seriously? but i thought it is too short. hehe, but thanks anyway. :D

prisintan said...

putri, your new hair is not too short for you ;)
you look more fresh than before :D

Chekka Cuomova said...

there's nothing wrong with your new haircut.. you just need some time to get used to it :)

K8 said...

I like it!!!
You should flip it out and it would look so amazingly cute! I also like your little signature!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@intan: oh, thank you intan.. my mommy also said that! hahaha. :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@chekka cuomova: yeah, i'll get used on it on some times ahead maybe. thanks chekka, you are so cute. hehe :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Chester: oh really? hmm, maybe i'll do your suggest to flip it backwards. :D well, i just made it on a site, i'm happy you like it too.
thanks chester.. :)

ochan said...

hey.hey. bagus.bagus rambutnya ! haha, saking takut disamain sama ******, haha. tapi, gapapa. fresh banget... :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

wah, makasih kakaaaa..... :D

Anonymous said...

uda lama ga liat blog lo :P
eh, lucu juga tuh rambut lo.
gue juga lagi pengen potong rambut nh, tapi gatau kea apa.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

argh dea... aku kangen padamuuu... ehehe :D
udah botakin aja kayak budha! huahahah ...
sering mampir ya sayang. muah muah! :*

Katrina said...

Oh thank you for stopping by at my blog, your's amazing!:)
Love your hair:)

Anonymous said...

OMG you have such a cute smile!:D
The hair looks good.


Your smile is so cute. =]

Thanks for tour comments, have a happy Tuesday! xx

Lissa said...

Ahhhh I love your hair. The bangs are perfection :]

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@C a t r i n a: oh thank you Catrina. i'm happy you like it. ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@La Mode is Rad!: really?! wii, thank yoooouu... i gotta smile like that more often, i thought. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@♥ fashion chalet: thanks daghling. you too, have a happy wednesday! :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Lissa: seriously? thank yooouu... i love my bangs too, actually. :D

selly octavia said...

cute... you look so cute.. you look younger than before..

Anonymous said...

ooh no! I think your hair looks positively lovely! The layering is excellent, it frames your face perfectly. I approve even though you may not :-)

As for dying your hair red, I'm in the same boat. I'd kill for some nice natural looking auburn highlights but the mumz is forbidding all chemical use on my hair. One day...

Anyways, great blog!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Selly: oh, thank you selly. after you said that, i think it's quite right that i look younger than before. ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Emmy: ahaha, actually my mom didn't forbid me cause of the chemical using, but she was forbid me cause of i'm still in highschool. eerrgh, what the hell!
but i do promise one day i'll dye it red. ;)
anyway, thank you emmy. you are sooo lovely. :)

Brittney said...

hey your hair is super cute, i'll be keeping an eye on your blog, im a fan!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@brittney: wiii... thank yoooou britt! :D i'll be keep in my eyes on your blog too. ;)

crystal said...

You're so cute! I like your haircut :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@syd vicious: really? thank yoooouuu... :D

Nunu Fithria said...

you look fresher with your new haircut :--D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Nunu: oh yeah, i do think so after all of the beloved readers said that. anyway, thanks Nunu! :D

Lauren said...

I like your hair and I am sure you will like it more as you get use to it! Thanks for the comment, I will be posting photos of how I end up wearing the pants soon so stay tuned : )

Anonymous said...

If you feel bad about your hiarcut, I can e-mail you this hilarious photo of me, with a mullet1 For some odd reason I had it done a year ago and my hair is still recovering from all the bleach and heat treatment I damaged it with! Seen you have been reading the Twilight book-I am on the 4th one they are amzing!
Thanks for the adorable comment, please visit again!

Victoria Jin said...

thank you for dropping by my blog!

aw you are so cute! your eyes are so cute and watery lol

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

Lauren: oh sure, i'll be stay tune on your blog. that's just lovely. :D
oh well, i'm still trying to get used to it. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@She comes from a nowhere town she likes: ahaha. no dear, you really don't need to do it. i got well since all of the beloved readers comment me that i'm pretty okay with my hair. haha. but i'm quite curious about your hair. :p
oh yeah, Twilight is absolutely amazing! :D
i'll visit yours soon, daghling. thank you. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@ellevictoire: thank you, dear. actually the photos with grey shirt one was taken right after i woke up from a nap. so, you see the reason why my eyes are watery in that pics. hehe.. :D
you're welcome honey... ;)

The July Girl said...

Cute smile!! and I like your hair :)
You look very pretty in those pics!!

Anonymous said...

omg-- i LOVES the haircut! for reals, don't even think about dying it red, it looks amazing! if you want it a little edgier just get some texturizer, like a pomade or paste and mash it into the ends of your hair, flip your head and rub some in under there and just push it around! suuuupppppeeeerrrrr cute hair, suuuuppppeeeeerrr cute blog!

Fashion Cappuccino said...

Oh! I love it! Your blog is so cute and so are you! xxoxoxoxoxoxo

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@July Girl: thanks honeeeyy.. well i don't think that that is so true. i'm not that pretty. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@MollyCake: oh i think that's a really great tips! i'll do it as soon as possible. :D
thanks dear for the suggestion. you are really sweet. and your blog much better than mine, you know? ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Shin: oohh thank you daghling. yours is more. :D

stylefrontier said...

your new haircut makes you look fresher!
its nice kok. blm biasa aja kali ngeliatnya put hehe
bangs are perfection
anyway i love paramore too dear!
have a great week ahead

lovelove <3,

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@fhen: oh yeah. thanks sist fhen... :)

Anonymous said...

hair grows! don't worry! i had to wait after graduating highschool until i could dye my hair red! after graduating i did so many things i couldn't have done before, like dying my hair, tattoos, and piercings! so fun!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Kak Cassey: oh well, that's why i took acceleration program: to go college faster! huehehehe :D
thanks for the comment ka. you are so sweet . ;)

Anonymous said...

iya sama, pengen juga ngecat rambut merah. Hayley's hair color is the coolest color! hahah. tapi pastinya belum tentu boleh di tempat kerja. hihi. btw matamu kayak kucing ya. funny. :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@nenoneno: wah kamu mending deh udah kerja, aku masih sekolah nih. bisa masuk BP deh kalo ketauan ngecat rambut! sial!
haha masa sih? pasti jadi mikir gitu gara2 foto yg di postingan2 kemarin itu yah? hihi.

Raquel said...

you have a beautiful smile, the second pic is the best one xD

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Raquel: Thanks dear... :D

h said...

ur new hair really suits u perfect!!i always love short hair but i am not a brave as much as u:)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Hande: oh Hande, if you know the fact was, that i am not that brave as you thought.
i cut this short because i want to be fresher! ;)
by the way you are cute with your long hair! :D

Styleseeking Zurich said...

You looks so adorable and happy in these pics! Wow red hair, very brave! I guess my mom wouldn't have let me to do so when I was at high school.. :)


Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Styleseeking Zurich: oh thank you. actually i didn't think so when i first see my new hair.
hehe.. but i am so glad you like it. :D
neither my mom. i must flatter her maaaany times till i got my red hair.. well, someday... ;(

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