Oh, I’m not lying. I really love storm. When the thunder shouted repeatedly on the sky, and when the lightning enters my room through the closed window, also when the downpour splashes every path in the town, and the hurricane wafts from the sea in a very high speed, creates the weird sound from a wind chime in front of my house.
Oh Lord. I really love storm.
-Written about a week ago, by an uncontrollable feeling of mine..
Please just don't mind the text above. It is so crap, isn't it? Haha.
Well, howdyyyy people! How's life? Good, I hope. :)
You know, I’d just heading from a dentist. And... it was definitely not good at all.
It is totally hurt, for God’s sake!
Read this just if you want. This is as crap as always. hahha.
Awalnya gue sama nyokap niat ke puskesmas aja, soalnya kalo ke dokter gigi langganan harus nunggu sampe malem, dan gue takutnya gue keburu mati duluan, lagian kata tetangga gue dokter di puskesmas juga oke kok, jadilah gue ke puskesmas dulu.
Parahe, nyampe sana, kata dokternya dia ga berani buat nyabut gigi gue. Karena yaaa, emang sih gigi gue udah parah banget. Jadi yang rusak tuh gigi geraham yang kedua dari ujung, itu tuh tinggal dikiiiit banget nyisanya. Entah karena apa deh, apa dulu gue pernah jadi kuda lumping apa gimana gue ga ngerti, yang jelas tuh gigi tinggal seuprit gitu.
Kata dokternya gue harus minum obat penghilang sakit dulu sampe tiga hari, baru kesono lagi buat cabut, soalnya takut biusnya ga mempan katanya. Dalam hati gue, “alaahh.. bilang aja lu ga bisa nanganin, dok!” wkwk.
Akhirnya kita pun ke rumah sakit karna penasaran gitu loh! Hahaha… Setelah ngantri sampe nomor 360an (krn ga bikin appointment dulu! Bzztt), di rumah sakit ternyata bisa cing!
Gue ditanganin sama dokter2 magang dulu awalnya. Dua cowok cakep, bok! Hauahahauahauahau…xD
Gue tanya, “eh, bakal sakit ga ya?” Kata mereka, “ga kok, tenang aja, sakit pas dibiusnya doang.”
Gue pikir, bius = jarum suntik. Ah, jarum suntik mah ga ada apa2nya. Udah biasa gua! Haha. (fyi, gue tuh takutnya sama masalah cabut-mencabutnya!). Terus, tanpa kompromi lagi, mereka buka mulut gue, terus mereka masukin jarum suntik dah.
Awalnya…. Ah, apaan nih, masih lebih sakit waktu gue disuntik di bawah mata. Hohoho, gue serasa jadi wonderwoman dah. Sampe akhirnya kerasa juga sakitnya. Gue auw-auw-an ga jelas, “Sakit nyet!” dengan posisi mulut gue kebuka lebar, jadi kedengeran seperti, “Hakih het!”
Mas-mas ganteng yang nanganin gue pun cuma ngomong, “Iya iya sabar ya, bentar lagi nih.” Sambil megangin tangan gue sok jentel gitu! Huaaaaa…. Sakitnya sih tetep aja mas!!!
Yasalam. Akhirnya, setelah 1 menit penyuntikan yang serasa kayak 1 tahun, gue pun disuru keluar. Sambil dikasih sebuah suntikan, entah apa maksudnya. Swt. -,-
Rasanya sumpah parah banget. Pokoknya bagian yang tadi disuntik tuh kayak bukan jadi badan gue lagi. Gue nelen ludah, tapi kayak ga ketelen. Kebetulan ada yang lagi sariawan, gue pukul-pukulin, ga sakit juga. Gue sampe frustasi sendiri…
Akhirnya setelah 5 menit, gue dipanggil lagi. Dokternya dokter langganan keluarga gue ternyata! Si dokter Widya jahanam itu! Huahahauhauahaua… akhirnya kita ketemu lagi, dok!
Dia pun dengan kejinya ngebuka mulut gue pake peralatannya yang gelo itu. (gue berusaha ga liat alat-alatnya).
Dan tanpa konfirmasi apapun, dia langsung nyongkel gigi gue yang tinggal seuprit itu. Otomatis gue teriak dong , “Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Hakih hau ha!?” (sakit tau ga?!)
Dengan santainya dia ngomong, “Ngga kok, ngarang kamu, mana mungkin sakit.” Koplak ni orang. Tangan gue udah gatel pengen nyekek.
Gue keukeuh, “Hakih henehan heh huehh!!!” (Sakit beneran deh suer!!) gue tereak2 sambil ngacung-ngacungin dua jari gue membentuk huruf V. Gue tau itu keliatan gila, tapi itu memang terjadi, kawan…
“Udah, kamu diem aja, kalo gamau diem malah jadi lama ini.”
Gue pun diem.
Dia mulai ngotak-ngatik gigi gue lagi. Dengan sangat paksa dia congkel-congkelin gigi gue biar kecabut.
Gue teriak lagi, “huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” “Ya Tuhan, gue bakal mati.” Gue mikir gitu dalem ati. Udah ga peduli lagi sama tatapan aneh semua orang di poli gigi itu!
Terus terus, si mas-mas yang sok jentel tadi itu malah megangin tangan gue lagi. “Yaoloh, sumpeh deh mas ga ngebantu. Mendingan lo tendang nih si dokter widya biar dia berenti nyongkel-nyongkel gigi gua!” Kata gua dalam hati.
Akhirnya setelah sekitar 5 menit berkutat sama satu gigi, dan kayaknya sih si dokter nyadar kalo bius yang dikasih tuh kurang mempan, jadilah si dokter dan mas2 ganteng itu ngajak gue pindah seat (buset, udah kayak di pesawat aja!).
Akhirnya gue pasrah. Si dokter widya ini emang jahanam abis! Ga ngerti gue kenapa bokap bisa sampe deket banget sama ni dokter!
Abis dibius, dia pun mulai nyongkel2 gigi gue lagi. Gue mulai tereak2 lagi. “Ahhaha hakih hauuu haaaaaa??!! Hahah hangeh hih!?!” (Astaga sakit tau ga?!! Jahat banget sih?!) Sambil nangis2 ga keruan. Sampe akhirnya si dokter pun frustasi ngadepin gue kali ya, jadi dia bilang, “Kamu mau diem ga, ato saya ambil piso nih, saya operasi langsung!”
Jleb. Gue pun langsung diem kayak anak kecil dikasih permen.
Gue remes2in aja tuh tangan si mas2 ganteng. Tau rasa dia abis ini pasti tangan dia bakalan rematik ato ga varises! Bagus lagi kalo dia jadi hemaroid ato wasir sekalian! Huahauahauaha! *tawa setan*
Anyway, kayaknya ga nyambung ya tangan sama wasir? Oh oke, gue emang lemot di biologi. Lanjut.
Setelah sekian lama, akhirnya semua sisa2 gigi yang kecil2 itu pun kecabut sampe akar2nya. Si dokter widya yang jahanam itu kayaknya bangga banget didepan junior2nya. Dia bilang, “Ini anak, kalo kalian yang nanganin, satu jam belum tentu beres!” hakchuh! Ngehe lo ah! Ini aja gue udah hampir mati tau gak lo?!
Ya, jadi, resmilah satu geraham gue hilang. Aku tidak akan pernah sama lagi, sobat…
Gue pun keluar sambil nangis2. Ga ngerti deh tampang gue kayak gimana. Gue nyamperin nyokap di kursi tunggu, nyokap gue ketawa puas banget kayaknya ngeliat muka gue yang kucel ga keruan! Sial!
Akhirnya, kita balik, dan gue pun tidak pernah sama lagi… Tidak pernah… Gue kutuk lo dokter Widya! Sialunnn!!!
Well, after all, my tooth is going much better day by day. Thanks for you guys who had give me maaaany helpful suggestions to drink some medicines. Oh, you guys are great! :D
Anyways, I’ve been not posting for a whole week, have I?
Well, that’s caused by this fucking tooth problem apparently. You know, made me always not in the mood to post. And besides, there are many things I should take care of, such as: school stuffs, surprises for Mom and Dad 16th anniversary, my (lovely) ex, yada yada yada.
But those things are going much better now! Thanks Heaven!
Ehm ehm.
So now I'm gonna tell you some important things happened to me in this whole week. Hope you guys love it too! ;)
Firstly, I want to tell you, that... I have returned to my ex!!!! Sarsaparilla! What a good news, eh? :D
The story began when my call was answered (for the first time in a week!), and he said, sweet on his tone,
“Sorry dear, I just don’t wanna make you hurt anymore. I thought it’ll be better if I break all contact between us so I don’t have any chance to make you hurt. So sorry… I don’t know things are goin so much worse for you when I didn’t contact you this whole week.”
ooohh... how sweet! I was really touched you know!? xD
Well, so far, he’s the best boy in my life! And I love him as always I do. Yippee ki-yay mamashita! xD
Go on.
Secondly, about my plan for Mom and Dad’s anniversary. Do you know? It was done perfectly! Ay-ay! xD
Actually I just bought them a bouquet of “sedap malam” flower, and a sweet candid photo of them two inside a beautiful frame.
My mom immediately cried when I entered their room with the bouquet in my hand.
Oh… for sure, the moment was so lovely. :)
Ah ya! By the way, I would love to share some photos of me, with a new tie-dye dress! Yay! :D
Was I look good? I hope you answer yes. Please make some lies if I were not.
your photos are adorable and i love taylor swift, so it made me so excited to see that post. soon when its raining. i think im going to go out in my best dress and dance :] love your blog! xoxo sucrerose.blogpsot.com
@sucre rose: oh yeah, she's amazing, isnt she? thanks... i'm thinking to go out with my best dress in a storm too. just hoping the storm wont break my dress. lol. :D
taylor swift enak bgt mada ga brnti ngdengerin cd'y satu minggu hehe paling enak fearless tp teardrops on my guitar jga enak.. sis,suka LADY GAGA?? ooohhh my!! she's so cool!!hhooooaaa
omg omg puuuuuuuuut aku ketawa ngakak baca tulisan di indonesia. aku ga nyangka km orgnya kocaak haha seriously i thought you were a calm girl hahaha. btw mksh ya udh komen blog akuu. youre so lovely! sering2 main ya ke blog aku :)
@Nisa Puspasari: kalo mau tau lebih banyak ttg aku, mending mampir ke blog aku yg lama deh nis! hahaha aku 100% ga kalem kaliii! xD oke deh.. will do visit your blog repeatedly.. ;)
@ChikitaRosemarie: thanks kaaaa... :D oh absolutely! dentist is also a big fear for me! but what could i do then? i prefer dentist than stricken with toothache for long period. :p
oh really? glad you love it too. well, im not too confident to show my whole body. but maybe someday i'll post it. just keep an eye! lol. :)
aaaah your photos = cute :D
trus skrg giginya udah ga sakit lagi kan??
hii sis
what a cute tie dye!!
happy anniversary for your parents!! :)
it's supposed to be tootles, isn't it??
waaa :) heart your new post Put. cieeeh. yang lagi seneeeeng HAHAHAHA. eeh, uda bisa pake spoiler? ajarin dooong hehe!
@atika: alhamdulilah udah nggak sayang. am I? wii.. thank yoouu.. xD
@thegreenestapple: uwaa.. i thought it was 'doodles'! sorry, just realize! (oh.. what a smarty pants I am!)
thanks .. my mom just said thanks.. :D
@SASHA: kenapa gitu? kayaknya biasa aja deh sha.. heheh :D
aiiihh makasih sasha cantiiikk .. x) loh, bukannya kamu juga udah bisa yah? hahaha :D
yesss, err i just realized, sekilas kayak quenn bee loh hehe
congrats for your parent's anniversary! send my greeting for your mom ;D
ah anyway, i'm happy to hear that you've returned with your ex!
@Atika: masa sih? ah nggak deh.. QB jauh lebih oke dari aku! hahaha :D
your photos are adorable and i love taylor swift, so it made me so excited to see that post. soon when its raining. i think im going to go out in my best dress and dance :]
love your blog!
@Kiseki Aoi: oh, i'll send your greet right away, dear. thank you anyway.. :)
@sucre rose: oh yeah, she's amazing, isnt she?
thanks... i'm thinking to go out with my best dress in a storm too.
just hoping the storm wont break my dress. lol. :D
taylor swift enak bgt
mada ga brnti ngdengerin cd'y satu minggu
paling enak fearless
tp teardrops on my guitar jga enak..
sis,suka LADY GAGA??
ooohhh my!!
she's so cool!!hhooooaaa
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! The censoring of my face is all about my mother and internet safety, haha!
I love your tie-dye!
jadi keingetan masa lalu ttg gigi-sakitnya-alamak ku waktu kecil gara-gara lari-lari di masjid trus jatuh. hehe.. kualat saya.. ;p
I LOVE tie-dye!
x x x
omg omg puuuuuuuuut aku ketawa ngakak baca tulisan di indonesia. aku ga nyangka km orgnya kocaak haha seriously i thought you were a calm girl hahaha. btw mksh ya udh komen blog akuu. youre so lovely! sering2 main ya ke blog aku :)
@thegreenestapple: wah lady gaga? no, biasa aja siz. haha. iya, fearless emang enak banget! :D
@fashionista: ah, really?! lol. Thanks God my mom is not that strict. :D
thank you.. :)
@Riris A: hah? kualat kenapa Ris?
@Lauren: yep, i love tie-dye as much! :D
@Nisa Puspasari: kalo mau tau lebih banyak ttg aku, mending mampir ke blog aku yg lama deh nis! hahaha aku 100% ga kalem kaliii! xD
oke deh.. will do visit your blog repeatedly.. ;)
Eh put, ngmg2 masala gigi,
gue kn br2 ini dikawat nih, beuh gila, gue cabut gigi sekali 3, mana masui UTUH SEMUA LAGI ~~
kamu bs bayangkan gimana rasanya -_-
@Inaz Zahra: hahaha masa cuma modal gigi doang sih naz?! :D
oh ya?! ya ampun, aku cabut 1 gigi aja rasanya udah mau mati.. gimana kamuuu?? serem! =,=
congrats put. I love your tie-dye colors, anyway :D
you are so cute!!! And its totally not strange I love storms too (assuming I'm inside and dry) :p
congrats for going back to your ex dear, hope u'll be happy with him :)
anyway, i despise going to dentist, in fact i have a lil fear of it, seriously x( *but i wear braces*
and i love your second pic! wanna see the whole outfit though :)
you look lovely :)
I like the colours of the tie dye.
an absolutely cute tie-dye dress! so bright and neon.. very 80s!
adding you up to blogroll now.:)
much love
@Enep: yay! thanks nep.. really? nice to know that. my mom bought it to me. :)
@Jessie77: lol. yeah, im assumed like that too when i wrote it. :p
@ChikitaRosemarie: thanks kaaaa... :D
oh absolutely! dentist is also a big fear for me! but what could i do then? i prefer dentist than stricken with toothache for long period. :p
oh really? glad you love it too. well, im not too confident to show my whole body. but maybe someday i'll post it. just keep an eye! lol.
@muchlove: thanks kak.. that's my mom's choice actually. :D
@Eden: thanks Eden... oh really? i dont think it's 80s. i havent born yet. :p
Hi Putri :)
Etsy (www.etsy.com) itu kayak "wadah" tempat kita2 bisa jual-beli barang2 handmade. Yah, semacam kayak eBay gitu.
Etsy is not my store, but I have a store in Etsy (hehe, nggak bingung kan?), tepatnya di muchlove.etsy.com.
I hope that made sense :)
@muchlove: yep yep! got the point yet! thanks ka.. :D
pretty! love your hair, makes me miss my fringe I had back in the day.
thanks for leaving that sweet comment on my blog :)
@karla: ay ay ay ay!!! i couldnt believe that you had really commented me!
oh my gosh!
love you my dear.... x)
waw selamat balikan ya put hehe anw kamu cantiiik ;D
@indita: ya ampuunn.. makasih sayaaang.. x)
emg komen ap di blognya karla? gosh i lvoe her too. duh cantik skaliii dehhh. your eyes awww~
@t a l i s h a: umm.. sorry but i forgot what i commented on her blog! ;p
ayay! thank you dear... ;D
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