When I do not know what to write, I usually just set my eyes on those letters in the keyboard.
And then I’d got some flashes that tell me what to write. Yeah, usually.
Means not everytime.
Means not for now.
For God’s sake! I really do miss writing. But what should I write if I have no idea for that?!
I am brainstorming. Need some Cadburry to relax me off. And some inspiration as well.
Have any suggestion, people?
Hohohohoho coment di malam hari nih..
put ide itu datang seketika dan hilang seketika, when we can't get it we wanna write something, but when we have it, we cant write it well.. hahha...
intinya pas ada ide tuh, coba di catet di kertas, jadi suatu saat mo posting kan bisa kamu inget2 lagi lewat catetan itu...
i think that is solution for HAVE NO IDE TO WRITE ON MY BLOG hahahhaha
kalo otak udah jenuh banget and kagak bisa mikir, nah catetan itu lah yang bisa berikan inspirasi buat kita hahahha
try peppermint tea to soothe your mind, it works :D
hello beautiful,
thanks for leaving that nice comment! of course i always visit your blog--its one of my daily reads:) hmmmmmm... nothing to write? i actualy find the blogger's personal lives or thoughts more interesting than what they are wearing sometimes.:) as they say, its not what you wear, its who you are.:) maybe you could share a thing or two about some random thoughts or happenings in your life. that would be interesting.:)
much love
ohhh cadbury... wish you hadn't written that!!!
cadbury itu wenaaaaak... aku jadi laper nih!!! hehehe
pengeeen makan cadbury yg isinya peppermint!! yummmmmm!!!
putri.. "ngga ada ide buat nulis" juga ternyata bisa menjadi topik tulisan kamu kan? :D hihihi.
gw juga waktu suruh bkin puisi pljrn b.ind, ngga tau mau bkin apaan.. akhirnya jadi nulis puisi tentang "AKU" yang nggak bisa nulis puisi. hahahahahaha.
well, aku juga sering ngalamin krisis ide.
kalo gatau mau nulis apa,yaa...cari aja topik di internet. biasanya berhasil (untukku). hehe..
@Moris: haha bener banget tuh Ris! Sering banget aku kayak gitu!
thanks yaaa buat sarannya.. berguna banget lho! ;D
@Istina: hmm.. i'll buy some packs later. thanks for the suggestion, Wi.. :D
@Eden: wow! thank you so much for those compliments, sweetie. ;D
and yeah, i'll try to post some random thoughts of mine later..
thanks a bunch dear for giving me some suggestions. ;)
@richie: lol! aku baru aja beli nih chad! mau nggak?! tapi yang isi jelly! hahaha :D
@Inaz Zahra: hahaha iya juga ya naz! :D
ah masa sih? inaz bukannya jago nulis puisi? :p
@Riris A: oh ya? hahaha.. boleh juga tuh idenya Ris! :D
hehe, I know that feeling. Mmmm, cadbury sounds so good... besok beli coklat ah ;) jadi kepengen kan...
putrii, lama g ngomen nih aku, hhaha
hmm, cari sesuatu yang lg jadi hot news di internet aja say, hhehe
kalo g baca2 buku gt, aku juga kemaren lg banyak kerjaan pusing dan jd bingung deh pas mau posting, hhhaha
hmm, cammomile tea juga bisa tuh selain peppermintnya, cadburrynya emang wajib banget tuh
eh put, kamu komen ke blog aku yang littlemouth.tumblr dong, masih sepi nih, itu cerita tentang kehidupan sehari hari gt, hhhehe
@muchlove: lol! suka coklat juga ya kaaa?? :D
@intan: waahh bner tuh tan! aku suka banget sama chamomile tea! kenapa baru inget skrg yah? hahah.. iya dong cadbury mah wajib! x)
oke deh tan, makasih ya sarannya.. ntar aku visit tumblr kamu! :D
makasih sayang.. hehe.. doain awet yaahh :) gmn kabarnya?
@Ka Nindya: aku baik kok kak.. :)
iya deeeehh didoain selalu deeehh!! Asal jangan lupa aja nih PJ-nya! hahaha :D
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