April 18, 2009


Howdy everyone...

How’s your Sunday morning? Is it good? Hope so. :)

Mine is good. Since I woke up from my sleep, then open the window of my room; and in a warmth of my blanket, saw the dawn went up. That's perfect as a beginning of a day! ;D

Aside, today till Friday is Sunday for me! Yap, you're right! National Exam made this long holiday for us who didn't have to do it! ay ay, Captain! I love these days! x)

I gotta do some stroll this week! ;p

And well, good luck for you guys on 12th grade, wish you all the best for the National Exam tomorrow. I believe you guys could do that! Ah come on… 5.5 are definitely not that hard to reach! ;)

Don't ever let a chagrin strick you then when you did not gain the score you actually have to deserve. Cheerio, brothers, sisters! We do support you! (We who? :p)

Anyway guys, actually I don’t really know what I am going to talk about. But I apparently know what I am going to share. *tee-hee*

Here it is… Some old photos of mine! 

Please in-joy! :D

What do you think? Am I look good instead of weird? lol.. that's what i want to hear from ya.

So please, as usual, do make lie for me if i'm not! lol. :p

Overall, thanks for read this blog. You guys so made my day!

P.S. So sorry for the bad qualities of those photos. hope you dont mind. :)

With billion of love,


Mina said...

aww u are such a cute baby! thx for dropping by and for the lovely comment.

claudya said...

nice blog dear ! r u indonesian ? (;
love yr blog !

Kiseki Aoi said...

cutie you, put! :D
gemes liatnya hehe..
waw you seems so happy, don't you? wish i'm as happy as you today, i'm just incuided by boredom :(

Atika Mulyawati said...

dari kecil udah suka difoto ya say? hehe :)

wish me luck for UAN :)

Catherine Viriya said...

hahaha kamu lucu banget dehh!!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@The Fabulous Girl: tee-hee. thanks, sugar. x)
oh sure, you're very welcome.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@claudya: i'm indonesian as well, dear. :)
thank yooouu!!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Kiseki Aoi: ay ay! thanks.. :D
oh ya? am I? lol. well, not too happy actually. wish your shitty boredom will be expelled, okay? :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Atika Mulyawati: ahahaha.. tau aja kamu! :D
oh sure.. wish you all the best, dear. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Catherine Viriya: makasiiiihh.. x)

abs said...

siapa tuh put? hahaha..

oia,taun ini kan pass. gradenya 5,5..ralat tuh put.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

oh ya? ahaha gatau gue.. :p

ya itu gue lah tiooo!!

Catherine said...

Aw, how adorable! :)

Have a great day!

Cassiopeia said...

thank you for that :-) really cute photos - you were adorable! i may have just left a *blindingly* polite comment on the hater's blog. not sure if that was a good idea lol. anyone who leaves that kind of message linked to something kinda deserves to be answered lol.


Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Catherine: thank yooouu.. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Cassiopeia: ay ay! thank you, sugar. oh, it really doesnt matter if you replied them (impolitely) lol.
yeah, they do deserve to be replied. :P

Annisa NF said...

thanks put :-D hahaha.
aw, you're such a darling baby!

Anonymous said...

dear..ur blog is interesting
improve ur english, wil ya?

and NO, this ini no hater comment

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Enep: wow! thanks... x)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@anonim: thanks for your suggestion. I just wished if you gave me your url or what..
but thanks! i do willing to improve my english.. :)

Resista Anindhita said...

wawawa... menenang masa lalu..
di foto ke-3 tu kmu kaya mau nangis tpi gimanaa gitu.. hehe..

Renaldy Fernando Kusuma said...

foto yang terkahir lucu put
sayang dicoret2

Anonymous said...

putriii! waktu kecil kamu lucuuuu bangett!!!!! hehe
aku jadi mau ikutan post foto aku waktu kecil dulu deh ;p

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Riris: hehe, iya ris. itu lagi maen spatu roda, abis kpeleset! inget banget aku! hahaha :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@jellypilotot: hehehe abis terlalu porno jadi tak coret2 biar ga fokus ke badan guenya bang! *banyak alibi mode: on*

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@seluaslangit: aiiihh makasih sayaaang.. iya dulunya lucu skrg mah amit-amit! xp
ayo ayo dipost! ntar aku komen! :D

Rand said...

awwwwwwwwwwwwww cute pics!

Anonymous said...

that last swimsuit pic is adorable!

Laura Pulgarin said...

i love your blog, its so colorful and you have a great writing style. also nice pics

Laura Pulgarin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karla said...

thank u:)

hope u did great in your exam!


Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Rand: tee-hee. thank youu.. ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@sarah: really? i think it is so not good till you said that! lol.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@cswslaura: wow. you flattered me high! thanks, sweetie.. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Karla: oh, i did really great actually! and yer welcome! :D

Inaz Zahra said...


Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@inaz: makasih inaaaazz.... x)


You're a cute baby.
I love the smiling pictures!! :)


stylefrontier said...

hi putri! maav baru bales komennya :D
got tagged you in my blog.. hehe kalo sempat dikerjain ya dear
you are back again with your ex?
congratz! happy for youu :)
ah enaknya yang lagi libur
ak gada UN tapi ga libur haha
persiapan ib exam :(
gak banyak berubah dari voto pas kecil hhe, sweet as always :)


muchlove said...

wah, poto2 jaman dulu yg lucu sekali! :)
I love looking at old pictures. I wish I had all my old photo albums with me.

Anonymous said...

the last photo is deadly adorable!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@♥ fashion chalet: aw! thank yoouu.. x)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@fhen: yay! i've seen the tag, kak! thanks yaa.. i'll do it ASAP. :)
wii, thank yoouu.. but i think i changed deh ka! esp on my cheeks! lol. :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@muchlove: oh how lucky i am, my father kept those albums for me! teehee.. ;)
thanks kak. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Cassey: aw! thank you so much kak Cass! x)

yumiko said...

i love old photos! you were quite the pretty little girl :)

Frock Around the Clock said...

These are so cute! :) x

Claire Geist said...

very cuuuuute!!!!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@yumiko: aw! thank you dear... ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Frock Around the Clock: thankieeeess.. x)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@clairegrenade: wow im blushing! thank you sweetie. :D

Violet said...

Your were one of the cutest babys ive seen... i love your little bob hair cut lol

Vi from Cali

issye margaretha kamal said...

wow . foto masa kecilnya putri lucuuu :))

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Violet: awww! thaaanks violet! you're much cuter than me! x)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@issye margaretha kamal: makasiiih issye... x)

Anonymous said...

lucu sis
yg terakhir lu bgt
ga ada bedanya

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@sista: hohoho. gue emang ga banyak berubah yak! xp

Istina said...

hahaha putriiii you haven't change since you were a little kid :DD

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Istina: oh dear.. yeah basicly not actually! =,=

Anonymous said...

Kak Putri, lucu bgt sih, mukanya gk berubah! :DD