May 29, 2009

New Layout, fellas! :D

Hey! What's up, folks? :D

eeeeh, do you realize some changing in my blog? 

Come on! think over it! One.. two.. three... and, the answer is?

yayzee! you're absolutely right, pals! I've just changed my blog layout! yeah! xD

well, I just felt that the old layout of mine is too girly and too crowd! and besides... one of my visitors told me that her layout is the same as mine!

what the heck!

Well, okay, I know, the layout is gotten from a popular blogskins source and of course, every people who wants to use the same layout as mine exactly may to use it… But so far I blogged, there’s no any blogger who used the same layout, but immediately one day… tadadam tadaaamm.. a person texted in my chatbox like this,

“hey… we have the same layout!” (Thunder sounds effect!)
O-okay. I knocked down! 

Hence I asked kak Cassey from The Blog of Casseybunn, how to have stretch layout as she has, later she replied, and… here I come with this one! *hihi*

thanks a bunch kak Cass… you’re such the most awesome blogger I have ever find! x)

Ah ya. And because I changed the whole layout, so it means I have to change my header too. Okay, I’m totally brainstorming in this part. I couldn't catch any interesting idea. So I prefer to make it as simple as it is above! *lol* Ah, but, do you have any idea to make it cool, pals? I know you guys are such creative persons that I would love to accept every your advices. ;D

Hmm... So that's it for today. Cheerio, folks! :D

P.S I'm addicted with the original chocolate Pocky, Rizqi bought me that just today. *tee-hee* (sering2 aja kak beliin ade pocky! wkwk.)

P.P.S I want to share one pic of me and my looooovely fellas. here it is.


rifa, etin, happy, me, dessy, sarah, fadhlia, inten, annisa, helmi, farah, and uthe. ;D

(from left to right, up to down)


fezaL Mohd said...

yeahh!! smart blog.

Anonymous said...

"thanks a bunch kak Cass… you’re such the most awful blogger I have ever find! x)"
is it awful,sis??
you suppose to say a compliment to her,right?:)
nice new lay-out <3

Clarissa Veronica said...

wow. layout barunya keren, headernya juga :D jadi gak bosen ngunjungin blog kakak :D

Nona Lolita Theobroma said...

puuut...hehheee..baru sempet bales komenmu nii..

kuliahku lagi kaya kerja rodi..hikss..

iya,aku uda kuliaah..hehee..

ciiieee..layout baruu niiii...bagus deh..

hmmmm...jd pgn ngutek2 layout jugaaa..

Resista Anindhita said...

layoutnya simple tapi keren kok put.. oh, dan putih tentu saja.. hehe..
memang begitulah resikonya kalo layout nggak bikin sendiri. saya juga ngambil layout dari internet, dan saya tinggal menunggu waktu hingga ada yg mengatakan, "eh, layoutnya sama."

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@fezaL Mohd: you really think so? hihi, makasih. :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@thegreenestapple: uhm, yes. is it wrong or...? haha, forgive this bloody hell newbie, sis. hoho :P

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@ichacho: makasih sayang.. wah ini kayaknya komen pertama kamu yaa! hehe ;D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@sTUpiD-LoLiTa: wah wah.. sabar ya kak. kuliah memang sulit (sotoy lu put! :P)

aiihh makasiiihh. glad you like it too!
aypoo utak-atik layouutt! hihi x)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@riris: haha iya aku juga pernah tuh ris liat layout kamu dimanaaa gitu. :P
ah tapi gapapa laahh.. :D

ah ya, putih. hehe. thanks yaa.. :)

sartob said...

hahahah. Layoutny bgs ko yg skrg. Pdhl sblmny, sama kyk "gue". Hahaha. daku jd merasa bersalah hehe. Tp toh jd bgs kok layout nya hehe. Gw jg mw bkin layout sndiri nih. gmn crny ya? Tp gw tkt gadgets gue ilang. Pdhl link ny pnting2 gt. Gmn y? Tlg rply di page gue dng. Thx ya darl.


Azwitasari said...

clean and cool layout put! gue jg baru ganti, haha bisa samaan gitu dehhh. kerenan yg ini drpd yg kemaren :D

Paams said...

wahhh sama-sama baru ganti layout ya kita? huaekaekakaka...
nice layout, tapi apa engga terlalu sepi ya?
sama bannernya kebanyakan...jadi berat lho blognya :|
but overall awesome kok...

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@sartob: will do right away hon.. :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Az: hihi iya kita sehati kayaknya. :P
aw makasiihh.. happy you like it either ! :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Paams: hmm iya yah, kebanyakan sih kayaknya. mungkin aku bakal hapus beberapa nanti.. :)
thanks ya paams sarannya. tapi aku lebih suka yang simple sih pada dasarnya. hihi ;D

Indita said...

lucuuuuuuu put eh itu fotonya dimana?

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@indi: di taman mini sayang.. :D hihi makasih yaa..

Istina said...

I like your new layout tho

Clarissa Veronica said...

hehehe iya kak. lagi pengen aja. kan kita semua bebas menyatakan pendapat (ngopo toh nak)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Istina: thanks wi.. :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@icha: ahaha bagus bagus. sering2 lah kamu komen aku! wkwkw. :P

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