June 27, 2009

My Milk Toof

"I am fast and furious."

"Okay, Let's drizzle just a bit on this spiky fella...easy..."

This is Ickle's toilet! ahahahaha... too cute, isnt that? x)

"I don't think these glasses work..."

Oh dear, ickle has two new baby teeth growing in! When your first teeth come in, it's always very itchy and sore. To soothe the pain, ickle has been nibbling on things all over the house.

(how cute! toof has teef! lol! xD)

Okay guys, try to stay clean from now on.

"Don't wanna." (Lardee said) 


Well, okay, there's no other word but SUPERCUUUUUTTEEEEEE!!! Oh My Goodness! Thousand thumbs up for the owner of this blog: Inhae. Goddamn! you are just darn COOL, sweetie!

ah ya, maybe you are so confuse right now, asking in your mind,

"aaaahh what are those cute little things?"

and the answer is...

"They are teeth."

hihihi. yep! sounds funny right! how could teeth walk, ride the bicycle, or even take a bath? well, the only answer is: "Use your imagination, fella! Come on!"  ahahahaha :D

Yeeeeepp, My Milk Toof, is a blog that tells us about the adventure of two teef, named Ickle and Lardee. Aaaaahhh... enough is enough then! I won't say anything more about it, just check it by yourself on ... here. hihi. ;D

And you may thank me after that! You won't sorry, folks! :D

love 'em crazy,

June 25, 2009

Eternal Love, Is It For Real?

image source

It kinda funny how love works so fast. 

Such like love at first sight. Has it come to you, peeps? 

Hmm, well, for me myself, yes it has. No no no, I mean, it doesn’t work. I thought it's a love at first, but at the end, I realized, it was not. I only admired him, but I didn’t love him at all. So, what they called love at first sight, is totally wrong for me. It is not love, it is passion. 

But at this moment, I’m not gonna tell you about that, I’m gonna tell you about how love could lasting forever—or at least, for very long time. Unremitting. But hey fellas, one you should know is, it rarely happens. Only one in a thousand....

But for sure, guys, a gentleman in my life, have that kind of love.

And ridiculously, that eternal love is meant for me

For the sake of tartar sauce! What is so special about Putri Erdisa Januarti? Whose name is not even recognized by the president, whose name is not even recognized by the headmaster in her school! What is so special about me?

And, oh my gosh, please do forgive my mistake… I ignored his love. 

I don’t know what happened to me, but I don’t have any feeling with him! I can't, even if I tried to. It seems like we’re made to be friends, not to be a lovemate or whatever. It is weird how a person, who loves me sincerely, can’t get my own love in return! It seems like… love is unfair. Very unfair.

Ah, I don’t know. I feel so guilty right now. It hurts, fellas, it really hurts to hurt a close friend; he is a real chum of mine! Okay you might ask me like this,

“So why, Putri, if you feel guilty on him, why don’t you just accept him as your boyfriend? You should be having a special feeling with him even if it’s so tiny!”
Well, the answer for the question is: I don’t have any special feeling on him. Not even a tiny one. So, if I did accept him, but in fact I have no feeling on him, it would be so much more unfair for him, right? Settle down with a person who just pretending to love the mate, is absolutely a misery! 

Oh sucks! I hate being into such situation like this! I mean, do I have any choice? No. The only choice is “no”.

But it really, really hurts to ignore a person who loves me eternally. Endlessly.

(fyi, he has loving me about 2 years!! Cool, uh?)

But then, at the end, I don’t know what I should do now. Maybe it’s proper if I just let him still for awhile. I don’t know. I totally am a newbie for these stuffs. 

So, is there any suggestion, chums? I really need it.

This post is dedicated to the gentleman who has give me that eternal love, R,

you know ka? i will never forget you,

June 24, 2009

Kaos Manohara

euh.. well, tadinya gue mau posting review film-film yang baru gue tonton, tapi terus gue buka blognya Ka Tepsoy (salah satu blog favorit gue lohhh, hehe), dan nemu foto ini di salah satu posting terbarunya.

dan, yah... buyar sudah semua yang pengen gue post tadi. *speechless*

June 23, 2009

Help Wanted (?)

Ada yang punya saran buat ngakalin koleksi award gue biar ga ngeganggu ditaro di sidebar?

ada 22 award bok! (hehe, banggaaaa.. ;P) bingung mau ditaro dimana.. habis kalo ditaro di sidebar gitu jelek keliatannya!

hmm... untuk yg ada ide, terimakasih... :D

June 21, 2009

Award, and Picture Updates :D

Thanks again to letmethink's. ;)

i pass this one to a cat-lover, friend of mine, jeng jeng jeng... Inaz Zahra

(heh, karna udah gue kasih award, ntar pulang dari malay titip oleh2 yang banyak yahhh!! aahahaha)

and this one, thanks to Icha.. :D

sebenernya ni award dikasih udah lama banget ya Cha, maaf banget log baru bisa aku post sekarang. :P hehe.


nah, sekaraaaang... waktunya buat share foto2! hihi. enjoy, peeps! ;D

(hihi, ini waktu aku speech. itu yg pake baju coklat native speaker dari US, fyi. oh ya, sebenernya itu ada podium lho, tapi aku males di belakang podium, jadi keluar deh. (mana mic-nya ga wireless lagi, sial!) and that's why, nilai confidence-ku paling gede diantara semuanya. :))

(ini waktu anak2 lagi grandfinal debat. ga ngerti apa yang diomongin, jadi bobo aja deh. lagian last night-nya cuma bobo 4 jam, nonton The Saw. hehe :P)

(itu waktu di Vegas HotDog. hehe, see how not fashionable i am! T-shirt, Jacket, Sneakers. lol.)

(aku sama ms.Dayu, guru pendampingku yang masih muda, menyalurkan jiwa narsis sebelum aku tampil! fyi, itu waktu kita narsis, udah sampe urutan ke-8, sedangkan aku sendiri urutan ke-9. and fyi again, i didnt realize it at all! so, pas ke depan tuh bener2 planga-plongo dan tanpa persiapan. ahahaha. tapi kata ms.Dayu sih justru gapapa, biar rileks. dan bener loh miss, aku ngerasanya kayak bukan lagi lomba! ga deg2an sama sekali! ehehehe :D . ah ya, sebenernya masih banyak foto yang lainnya. tapi daripada post ini kepanjangan, jadi duaaja deh yaa.. hehehe) --too long caption bok kayaknya. :P

(i looove this photo so much! hihi, ;))

well, that's it all. thanks for read, fellas. :DDDDDD


Flooded with awards.. hihi ;D

Thaaaaanksss to raisa , jessi and tika . :)

and also, to letmethinks :). 

actually there are some more from Cilla, but i don't have any idea why do they couldn't appear in my PC? huhu... i'll post it later ya dear.. :(

Thanks, all! you're too kind! x)

June 20, 2009

Doo Be Doo, and others

oh guys, please don't be too shocked. Gita Gutawa has buy the license to copy their song. :)

but well, the first version is much better than the copy, right? are you with me? haha. :D


anyways, I've watched night at the museum 2, and angels and demons, on blitz megaplex last days, and... they're highly recommended! you should watch it too! trust me!


Sorry, I can't blogwalk for now, at least for today. my eyes getting worse. sigh... :( 

Updates!!!! :D

WOW! It’s been a full week without any updates! So many things to be told, but hell yeah it will be too long if I wrote them all in paragraphs. I don't wanna make you bored. haha. Soooo, the only solution is … I’ll make a list for y’all! Enjoy, peeps! ;D

1. I won the speech contest! I won it I won it I won it!! Yeaaaahh…. Ahahahaha. :D well, not the 1st place actually… I got the 2nd place. But it’s very awesome! I don’t even hope for it! Lol.

2. I arrived on Bandung on the last Sunday, and went back home last night. Or it means, I spent 6 days there! Woaaa… it’s just terrific! Felt like Bandung already become my hometown! hihi :D

3. The weather in there is sooooo cold. Almost everyday was cloudy. And even, I still hiding underneath my blanket on 10 am! 10 am!!! Wow! That’s cool, rite? Ahahah.. pardon my laziness, fellas. :P

4. I didn’t shop a lot. No time, no too much money. I was definitely hunting for sales on malls! Ahahaha. I got one Nevada bag, two unbranded t-shirts, some books, and… oh, well, that’s all! Sigh… I wanna shop more... ;(

5. I got 3rd rank from the final result of this semester. Aw! I’m happy! But not really, actually. I lose from a man who always did cheating on the exams, oh my gooood, it’s terribly annoying! I’ve studied so hard on a full week, exhausted my mind and body, wasted my time on remembering some matters that I don’t really like, and … what do I get then? Lose from the one who always cheated! Arrrrgh! That absolutely sucks!

6. I don’t know why, but my right eye can’t see things clearly. It’s very blur, and totally bothers my sight! Euhh… I should check it right away.

7. I haven’t blogwalk among this week. So, I beg your sorry, fellas, for those unreplied request on my chatbox. I’ll do blogwalking as soon as possible, okay? :)

8. Hmm… I’m so sleepy right now, so…


P.S. Picture updates soon, okay? So just keep an eye on this blog! Ahahaha :D

June 13, 2009

too dizzy to even think of a title


I really wish I could play ballet. at least, stand on my own toes. sigh.. why does my mom never take me to a ballet course?!

ah, mommy... I miss you terribly. cepet pulang dong mam... :(



ah ya, and also this one! I am craving for this soooo bad! arghh... how I really wish I could make ones like that too! you know, I'm a left-brainy person, and I'm not that creative to even know how it could be made! GOSH! I really am a loser, arent I?


Anyways, i'm gonna depart to Bandung at 1.00 pm today. i'll be there till Friday, and well... i really wish you guys are willing to pray for me. *tee-hee*

ah ya, ada yang rumahnya di bandung? kopdar yuuukkk... ;D


Something's wrong with my facebook account. i cant post my recent status (actually it already happened from weeks ago, well, i thought it's only a problem with my internet connection or what, but--arrgh! it never be fixed!).

so, anybody knows how to handle it? how to fix it? I really need to facebooking and sharing my recent thoughts... you know, twitter's not too fun for me. I keep signing in only because i want to see those idol's tweets. ahaha. help me ya guys, please. :(

Miss Fleshy,


Ulum mandarin hari ini gue keluar kelas paling pertama, bukannya ngejago ato sombong ya, tapi gue emang udah laper ga ketahan gitu dari pas ngerjain, jadilah gue buru2 keluar. ahaha. 

Ketemu Ms. Dayu dan Mrs. Anne di kantor, gue dikasitau kalo ada perubahan jadwal lomba. yap, speech yang waktu itu pernah gue sebut-sebut, akhirnya gue deal buat ikut. well, ada pemberitahuan, dari yang tadinya lombanya hari rabu, jadi hari selasa.

emang sih cuma beda sehari, tapi efeknya besar banget.

pertama, 7 orang temen gue yang ikut lomba juga, berangkatnya dijadwalkan hari selasa malem. dan ya, tentu aja gue ga bisa ikut mereka karena gue lombanya hari selasa itulah. jadilah gue disuru ikut sama Ms. Dayu aja yang mau ke bandung duluan (hari Minggu), jadi nanti gue disana nunggu sehari-semalem SENDIRIAN, di rumah anaknya guru gue, ya, in a house of stranger, sendirian. euhh.. asal tau aja, gue bukan termasuk orang yang supel terhadap orang-orang baru. sigh...

kedua, karena adanya perubahan jadwal yang dadakan mampus itu, bokap gue marah total! mana hari ini gue barusan ngilangin helm, jadilah bokap makin ngamuk. parah deh pokoknya! gue paling males kalo dia udah marah! nyolotnya itu loooohhh... euh!

ketiga, nyokap gue baru aja berangkat ke tangerang hari ini, dan tebak dia disana sampe kapan? sampe hari minggu besok. GREAT! gue di rumah ditinggalin sendirian sama bokap yang lagi ngamuk! ibaratnya, dimasukin ke kandang singa. (gue lupa peribahasa lengkapnya apa!)

keempat, karena semua jadi kacau karena gue (heeyy padahal bukan salah gue juga kan ya! salahin tuh pihak UPI Bandung yang seenak udel ngerubah2 jadwal!), jadilah gue cuma dikasih Rp.200.000 buat besok. emang sih perjalanan sama makan ditanggung sekolah, tapi kan tapi kan tapi kaaaaaann.... huhuhu, mampus boring aja gue disana. bisa beli apaan tuh duit segitu?!

kelima, gue belom latihan maksimal buat pidatonya. waktunya masih over (max 5 menit), contentnya masih ga mutu, dan lain sebagainya. secara kan ya seminggu ini gue lagi sibuk ulangan, mana sempet gue ngurusin segala tetek-bengek pidato itu?! dan lagiiii, padahal oh padahal, copy-nya harus udah dikirim ke pihak sana paling lambat malam ini. (sumpah, pengen ngamuk lagi nggak sih?! udah pengen gue bakar aja tuh gedung UPI Bandung!)

keenam, gue sendirian di rumah, besok gue packing sama siapa? sama bokap gue? ya ampun. ga mungkin banget! bokap gue itu tipe yang careleeeeeeeeeeess banget kalo udah marah. jadi ya, mending ga usah terlalu berharap deh ya buat dikasih perhatian segala macem sama bokap. cih!

dan well, ketujuh efek yang naujubilah nyebelinnya itu, udah cukup deh bikin gue frustasi. ngamuk, nangis, stress... dan akhirnya yang jadi korban pun Ochan, kaka gue yang sangat sangat sangat sangat bijaksana nan baik hati!

ya ampun, padahal pas gue nelpon ke rumahnya tadi itu dia lagi mau tidur katanya, tapi masih sempet2nya ngehibur gue gitu, nyemangatin, ngasih beribu saran, segala macem deh! aduh ochaaaannn makasih banget yaaaa... x')

dia bisa banget sih bikin gue ketawa! -hihi, beneran loh kak!

yaudalah, sekarang bokap lagi keluar (gatau kemana), doain gue biar ntar pas bokap pulang gue berani buat minta maaf sama dia. jadi semua masalahnya bisa clear lagi. dan doain gue menang nanti ya lombanya. makasih kawan semua....

hugs and kisses for you all. 

Live high!

P.S. sorry for lack of pictures. i'm not really in the mood for blogging.

June 12, 2009

Short Update (again)

Tomorrow is the last day of exam!

yaaayy! oh my god! I couldn't be happier than this! (yaahh.. meskipun bisa dipastikan ulangan fisika gue tadi bakal dapet 5 sih! tapi kan yang penting udah beress, ya gak? ahaha) :)

anyways, Mada, my sweetie cutie curly bestfriend ever (hehe), comes today. i'm gonna meet her tomorrow, right after the exams over of course. asiiikk! xD

and.. ah ya, i got mandarin, geography (geology, oh or whatever it is!), and PE for tomorrow... euh, what could I learn for PE? and by the way, is it so that important to be listed on exams? geez!

well then, smell ya later, folks!

zaijian! ;D

P.S. did you notice any changing in my blog? yup! up there, sweetie... how's it? *tee-hee* 

June 09, 2009


I dont know what should i post, i've been overwhelmed by those exams! Sucks! I got a blacklist, I think.

I'll tell you later. please, just pray for me... ;( 

June 06, 2009

Call Me Late, But I Just Discovered This Out: Cin(T)a


An indie movie, created by Sembilan Matahari Film and Moonbeam Creations. Yes, not a famous name of production house. The moviemakers itself mostly come from the alumni of DKV ITB, not another production of Hanung or whoever they are. But this one is… just as great as their productions!


You know, I sit with my mouth agape in front of my PC when I saw the trailer. It’s marvelous! Magnificent! The plot is awesome and unpredictable! You know, I was trembling when I read the subtitle of this movie (which is written in English). The dialogue is just so real, like it has … its own soul.

Well, the whole story is talking about Love, Religion, and God. How there’s so many different Gods beneath us. How a man and a woman who loves each other trying to be united, even though their God is different. That’s a hard dilemma, for sure. Just like there’s a big voice which always echoing in your head, “Which one you want to choose? Your mate or your God?”

And well, some people may choose to answer, “I prefer my God!”

But some other people may answer wisely, “I choose you, and I choose my God as well. We could worship our God with our own way, and on the same time, we could be united together just like other couples do.” 

And yep, that’s what the main characters in this movie did.


Anyways, I love this dialogue the most.

Annisa : Why did God create us differently if God only wants to be worshipped in one way?
Cina : That’s why God created love, so all the differences could be united.

Ahhh… what a heartwarming answer! x)

Well, I haven’t known whether it’s launched in Indonesia or not. But I really do hope it will be launched here. Heeeyy it has launched in London, for God’ sake! (that’s why the subtitle is in English). Masa di Negara pembuatannya aja nggak ditayangin siihh?? :(

Ah ya! Tomorrow is the first day of exam. Wish me luck, fellas! First day determines the rest days! Ahahhaha.

Smell ya later then. ;)

P.S. thanks for all the tags you've given to me, but i'll do it much later perhaps, okay peeps? ;D

P.P.S one more update! i got these pics from Cin(T)a fb-page, about all the behindthescenes shoots. oh my god... Cina is sooo cute! x)



June 05, 2009

Short Updates.

Heeeyy do you know what the real function of blog is?

Well, is it just me or do some people really miss the real function itself? 

I mean, wow, they write nothing.

I mean... oh okay, I couldn't explain it clearly. do you get my point, peeps? oh well, sure no, eh?

I'm a very bad explainer. 


Anyways, I'll get my last exam on the next monday. A full week! Oh my gosh!

Please do pray for me, fellas. huhuhu ;(

And no, I won't make it as a-week-hiatus. I keep on blogging.


okay then, this is putri over and out.


June 04, 2009

Hai, Miiko! :D

I love reading. 

Book, any kind of it, is just like air for my mind. I’ll really do suffer if I don’t read at least a book in a week. And no, it shouldn’t the new ones; I’m okay with reading the last-year book, because sometimes we can just figure some new things out on ‘em.

Anyways, talking about book, my fav is comic indeed. I love to see the pictures, how it sketched well, how it plotted well, how the dialogue balloons fulfill the page, wow, I love them all! And no, actually dear, it does not hinder your imagination. Some people said so, but not on my thought. Hey! If you are accustomed to see the pictures, the sketches from comics, which is different one another (absolutely!), you will easily start to figure what it looks like if someone describe a thing or place to you. 

Okay, it sounds weird now. I don’t even know what I am talking about.

Anyways, actually at first I typed this post to describe a fav comic of mine, Hai, Miiko!, but heeeyy I was talking too much on the opening. Errgh… one of my lacks.

picture source

Ah ya, Hai, Miiko! It’s an every-age comic, for sure. The content is sooo sooooo worthy to read. Story about a 5th grader girl named Yamada Miiko who lives in mansion with her parents and her little brother named Yamada Mamoru. She also has some friends, but the closest ones are Ogawa Yuuko (Yuuko) and Shimura Mari (Mari-chan). She has a special feeling with Tappei (Eguchi Tappei) that she doesn’t even realize, and how blissfully, Tappei has too. Aw! They’re too sweet! And just like another story of a 5th grader students (lol), they always try to pretend that they dont love each other! While actually they really do! ahahhaah.

So here I show you a dialogue of them while they’re on Miss Donut Store. (f rom 19th edition) 

– Eh, so sorry anyway, I decide not to translate it to English. Sorry yaa.. :)

Miiko    : Waktu Tappei datang, aku senang sekali. Makasih ya…

Tappei  : (blushing) …. Waktu kau nelepon…

Miiko: Ya?

Tappei: Adikku nggak lahir-lahir! Aku takut sendirian! Tolong, Tappei! Huhuhu… (teasing her).  Berisik banget!

Miiko    : (screaming) Aku nggak ngomong begitu, kok!

Tappei : Iya, tapi kedengaran begitu di kupingku.

Miiko    : (blushing..)

Oh My Gosh! How could be sweeter than that? xD

Anyways, yep, as you catch in the dialogue above, Miiko has just got a little sister. Euhh… and she’s the cutest of all! 

Hmm… well, you’ll not know why I’m so crazy about Miiko till you read it yourself, peeps. 

So, there you go to the nearest bookstore and buy any series of Hai, Miiko! you could find there. *tee-hee*

Believe me, you won’t sorry at all. ;)

June 01, 2009

New Moon Trailer; tweet


Taylor Lautner is cool! i loooooove him! oh my gosh! 

but anyways, the wolf seems like dog, i think. i dont really like the transformation. heeeyy, harry potter do so much better than twilight saga on effects! hoho.

But alright overall. I love Kristew more than anyone! Currently.

Check these out. Kristew and Rob on MTV movie award.


I really hope they were dating.. ;(


And well guys, i tweet now. http://twitter.com/putrierdisa, follow me and i'll follow you back.

love y'all! muah!

i got the pictures of krisrob from here.


Just another craps!


picture source

Wow, such great pic, eh? It's made by Ethe, a veeery talented young girl. Well, just read Gogirl! May edition to know more about her. I post this not to describe her, actually. 


Guys, you know what? I wanna tell you this! I've taken the speech competition I had tell you on my last post. and now... i feel so scared. i'm afraid of being lose. sigh... ;(


ah ya, i got an award times ago. here it is, 

Thanks Cilla.

I reward it for all bloggers in my "awesome people" section. hihi. And for all of you who want to take it, please dont be hesitate. suppose it as a gratitude from me because you have read my blog. hihi



Anyways, Irfan, my super naughty classmate, sang Lucky by Jason Mraz just today, and because he sat right beside me, so I sang together with him.

And so i think... wow, it would be soooooooooo romantic to sing that lovely song with him together on. Well, he's a vocalist after all. hehe.

I'm terribly in love with the fling, folks. ooohhh help me! I'd like to love, but I'd not like to falling. huhu.. :(

is afraid,