June 25, 2009

Eternal Love, Is It For Real?

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It kinda funny how love works so fast. 

Such like love at first sight. Has it come to you, peeps? 

Hmm, well, for me myself, yes it has. No no no, I mean, it doesn’t work. I thought it's a love at first, but at the end, I realized, it was not. I only admired him, but I didn’t love him at all. So, what they called love at first sight, is totally wrong for me. It is not love, it is passion. 

But at this moment, I’m not gonna tell you about that, I’m gonna tell you about how love could lasting forever—or at least, for very long time. Unremitting. But hey fellas, one you should know is, it rarely happens. Only one in a thousand....

But for sure, guys, a gentleman in my life, have that kind of love.

And ridiculously, that eternal love is meant for me

For the sake of tartar sauce! What is so special about Putri Erdisa Januarti? Whose name is not even recognized by the president, whose name is not even recognized by the headmaster in her school! What is so special about me?

And, oh my gosh, please do forgive my mistake… I ignored his love. 

I don’t know what happened to me, but I don’t have any feeling with him! I can't, even if I tried to. It seems like we’re made to be friends, not to be a lovemate or whatever. It is weird how a person, who loves me sincerely, can’t get my own love in return! It seems like… love is unfair. Very unfair.

Ah, I don’t know. I feel so guilty right now. It hurts, fellas, it really hurts to hurt a close friend; he is a real chum of mine! Okay you might ask me like this,

“So why, Putri, if you feel guilty on him, why don’t you just accept him as your boyfriend? You should be having a special feeling with him even if it’s so tiny!”
Well, the answer for the question is: I don’t have any special feeling on him. Not even a tiny one. So, if I did accept him, but in fact I have no feeling on him, it would be so much more unfair for him, right? Settle down with a person who just pretending to love the mate, is absolutely a misery! 

Oh sucks! I hate being into such situation like this! I mean, do I have any choice? No. The only choice is “no”.

But it really, really hurts to ignore a person who loves me eternally. Endlessly.

(fyi, he has loving me about 2 years!! Cool, uh?)

But then, at the end, I don’t know what I should do now. Maybe it’s proper if I just let him still for awhile. I don’t know. I totally am a newbie for these stuffs. 

So, is there any suggestion, chums? I really need it.

This post is dedicated to the gentleman who has give me that eternal love, R,

you know ka? i will never forget you,


PiruletadeGato said...

Love is weird...
I think you should try.
What I've learned is that you don't know what's going to happen.
My boyfriend (we've been together for almost 2 years) was only a friend... I always said to myself that I'll never be with him, we were just friends, but... you know, these things happen!
Only regret the things you haven't done

Fika said...

I believe in Love at the 1st sight :)..coz I'm in love with My BF since the 1st time I saw him, and now we've been together for more than 7 years :)..
about ur problem,,just follow what ur heart said :)..

bbrp tmn aq ada yg jadian ama sahabatnya,,ada yang langgeng,tp ada jg yg tnyta lbh enak temenan :D...jadiii,,ikutin kata hati kamu ajaa..hehehe

I know,it's a simple way out but it works dear..believe me :D

Anonymous said...

aww putri. sometimes that odd thing happens koq. it's normal. and im proud of you for letting your true feeling rules. by saying no to him. it shows that you do care for him. yay putrii!

Indita said...

putriii.. aku ngerti perasaanmu :( aku pernah PERSIS sama kaya kamu, dan lebih parahnya SEMUA temen2ku pada "ayooo ndi terima aja"

oke, fine. dia cowok baek2 dsb oke lah. tapi aku ga ada rasa, dan parahnya si cowok itu ayahnya udah meninggal dan anak2 jadi makin "ayoolah ndiii kasiaaan dia"

arggh. akhirnya aku tolak, dan habis kejadian itu aku jadi diem2an ama dia, ga berani tatapan ma dia ;( gaenaaak banget ya put?

berasa jahat gitu. huhu. yang penting put, jangan kaya aku, jangan cuekin ato jadi jaim kalo ketemu dia. stay cool put ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

First off.. i wanna say: wow! all of you here commented in such long sentences, uh? i love it! i love those long replies! heheh :D

@TheCat: oh my god! i couldnt even imagine, how things gonna be if i date a man whom i dont love at all. but yeah, God's fate will always works, i think. euh.. i just wish i won't regret at the end. :(

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@fika: wow! 7 years?! oh myyy... it's so darn cool, you know! i mean, i couldnt even hold out for 1 year! ahahaha :D

yeah, i'm trying to read my mind. the sound of my inner heart. well, till now then, the answer is still no. hufh.. -,-

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Sasha: ah sasha my dear... you always know how to make me smile. when everyone still tryna' force me to make me in with him, you're the only one who just cheer me up by saying that you're proud of my acts. hehehe, thanks Sha..

anyway, im sorry for not replying your messages. pulsaku habiiiiss... ehehehe :P

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Indi: huaaaa indiiii kita sama banget sih! dia juga papanya udah cerai, jadi dia tinggal berdua doang sama mamanya. makanya aku jadi merasa bersalah banget, semua temen2 aku juga pad kayak nyalahin aku gitu karena nolak dia..
hiks. T__T

iya ndi, kalo aku sih alhamdulilah sampe sekarang masih keep in contact dan lancar2 aja kok. :)

makasih ya sayaaang buat sarannya! hehehe :D

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner - bamz said...

duh, mesti pake google translate nih, salam kenal.

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Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

ahaha ga selebay itu, bahasa yg aku pake toh yang ringan2 aja.

awan_clickerz said...

believe it
iye, muter nyari gugle translite dulu, kurangfaham.com
englsih nya amatir..hee

Yup !

Inaz Zahra said...

wuih put si R kpn nembak? ckck
mangkanya kata aku juga sm O aajaaaa haha zzz

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@inaz: ahahaha apaan sih inaz! dia tuh ngga suka sama aku! :D

Amanda Rizkita said...

I'd been in love with my mate for three years and he never knew until my friend told him so, and we became a lovebird for just.....30 days. 3 years for 30 days. I broke him up because of this other guy I'd just met for 3 days. And this other relationship lasted only for 3 months. But I stil adore this '3 days' guys, after these three years. ridiculous huh? what's so good about 3?

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Amanda : wow. it's quite... weird.
well, i've said that, how love works is just weird. it doesn't make any sense. --"

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