June 05, 2009

Short Updates.

Heeeyy do you know what the real function of blog is?

Well, is it just me or do some people really miss the real function itself? 

I mean, wow, they write nothing.

I mean... oh okay, I couldn't explain it clearly. do you get my point, peeps? oh well, sure no, eh?

I'm a very bad explainer. 


Anyways, I'll get my last exam on the next monday. A full week! Oh my gosh!

Please do pray for me, fellas. huhuhu ;(

And no, I won't make it as a-week-hiatus. I keep on blogging.


okay then, this is putri over and out.



Azwitasari said...

I'm done with exams dear princess hihi :P senin udh nyante tinggal sejarah sm bhs inggris aja. good luck yaaa ;) your english is getting better day by day. salut! :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Az: thankies dear Az..
wii, i envy you terribly! huhu. i hate exams! x(

Indita said...

real function of blog: e-diary :)

ayu paramita said...

wah gud luck ya for examnya :D
aku udh bebas hahaha tinggal nunggu raport >_<

prisintan said...

put nasib kita sama, aku juga baru mulai senin depan ;(

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Indita: yeah, i do think so, buuuut... i thought some people just lose the real function itself. haha.

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@ayu: hueee curaaang! aku baru mulai besook! x(

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@intan: iya ntan sedih banget e... :(

ochi said...

tetep semangaaaaddd..
pake nyontek ga nih?

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@ochi: waah kalo itu sih soal nanti deh. ahahaha. :D

Kizsee Kiseki said...

sammaa domss ..
wish me luck y! :)
lam kenal ..

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@kithzi: okee. salam kenal juga.. :)

Ragard said...

hmmm, fungsi blog buat gue pribadi sih sarana pengembangan kemampuan gue.. terutama menulis, buat tugas essai. wakakakkaka..

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Ravi: hmm.. make sense enough. but for me myself the function is yaaa e-diary itu! untuk ngejaga arsip2 masa lalu. ahaha . thanks for sharing anyway. :D

Unknown said...

good luck with the exam yaa

hem kyknya aku jg miss the function itself deh haha

Anonymous said...
