June 27, 2009

My Milk Toof

"I am fast and furious."

"Okay, Let's drizzle just a bit on this spiky fella...easy..."

This is Ickle's toilet! ahahahaha... too cute, isnt that? x)

"I don't think these glasses work..."

Oh dear, ickle has two new baby teeth growing in! When your first teeth come in, it's always very itchy and sore. To soothe the pain, ickle has been nibbling on things all over the house.

(how cute! toof has teef! lol! xD)

Okay guys, try to stay clean from now on.

"Don't wanna." (Lardee said) 


Well, okay, there's no other word but SUPERCUUUUUTTEEEEEE!!! Oh My Goodness! Thousand thumbs up for the owner of this blog: Inhae. Goddamn! you are just darn COOL, sweetie!

ah ya, maybe you are so confuse right now, asking in your mind,

"aaaahh what are those cute little things?"

and the answer is...

"They are teeth."

hihihi. yep! sounds funny right! how could teeth walk, ride the bicycle, or even take a bath? well, the only answer is: "Use your imagination, fella! Come on!"  ahahahaha :D

Yeeeeepp, My Milk Toof, is a blog that tells us about the adventure of two teef, named Ickle and Lardee. Aaaaahhh... enough is enough then! I won't say anything more about it, just check it by yourself on ... here. hihi. ;D

And you may thank me after that! You won't sorry, folks! :D

love 'em crazy,


Indita said...

so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee put <3

Resista Anindhita said...

Lardee is my favorite. oh, and Ickle of course. well, both of them. haha..

lucu bangets deh itu poto-potonya! paling suka tu cerita "ickle and Lardee's Grand Adventure." sama "my sweet wilting tree"
yampun, lucu bangettt... XD

bikin Ickle and Lardee fans club ahh... hahaha

Nadia Atmaji said...

aku tau blog itu hehe! probably the most cute blog i ever seen :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Indi: hihi sure, ndi! xD

@riris: i love Lardee the most, ehehe :D. aaahh pokoknya aku ga suka yang ada siput2nya. iiieuh.

@nisa: hehehe iya, cute banget! xD

Paams said...

ihhhh lucu sekali gigi2 itu...hehehehehehe...masa gigi punya gigi? kocak amat!hahaha.
segera menuju ke TKP...nice info anyway :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

ahahaha kocak kan ya! xD

yok mariii.. silahkan dicek langsung... :D

Anonymous said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH LUCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *pingsan* hahahaha iya nihh. ngikut paams. segera menuju TKP :P miss you dear. uda lama nga kontek huhu.

prisintan said...

woww cute banget put! ;D
iih pengen banget punya mainan kaya gitu <3

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Sasha: ahaha sampe pingsan gitu kamu sha! silahkan deeehh dicek langsung! hihi ;)

@intan: iyaaaa imut banget yaaaa... x)

Clarissa Veronica said...

inyyyuw lucu banget. kayak buat bayi-bayi gitu deh (apa sih lu Cha, buat bayi dari Hongkong?) itu maenan apa gimana sih? jadi pengen dibeli (jah)

Atika Mulyawati said...

sukabanget ama foto pertama :)))

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@icha: itu kayak handmade gitu cha.. gak dijual tau! haha. aneh2 aja kamu!
udaaaahh cek aja langsung ke TKP-nya kayak si Paams sama Sasha tuh! hahaa :D

@atika: hihi kreatif banget yah bikin sepedanya itu loh! :D

fyka said...


Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

hihi memaaaaang x)