July 25, 2009

Coin Laundry, and Polaroid Time!

This is such a funny song! lols.
and the setting of the clip is darn cute! *tee-hee*
Well, anyway, how's life folks? :D
Mine is good, thanks . hehe :)
but am recently craving for this thing!!! aaahhh.... 
See how beauty is the result! 
Ahhhh.... Momma.... buy me one! x((
Please please pleaseeee! 
P.S. I got an award from Cilla, thanks dear... here's the award:
all polaroid pics taken from here


Nadia Atmaji said...

wihihiw lucu bgt videonya yaa suaranya juga lucu hehe itu penyanyi drmn sih kok ga pernah denger....

muchlove said...

iya, lucu kan lagunya? itu Lisa Mitchell, cewek Australia, dia mulai terkenal karena masuk Australian Idol (tapi bukan pemenang) bbrp taun yg lalu.

Btw, foto2 polaroidnya cantik2 sekali. so dreamy...

nugraha adi putra said...

nice shoot..

Anonymous said...

yeahh... i want it tooooooO! uber ngiri. pengen put.

muchlove said...

I added you in the blog roll :)

si Biru said...

keren abis potingannya..
wah poto-potnya asik juga..
vivionya juga well done deh..

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Nisa: aku tau dari blognya kak Anna... hehe. you should visit her blog too. she's awesome! :D
ah ya, her profile is under your comment there, kak! :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@muchlove: hihi, iyaa, makasih loh kak udah bolehin aku nge-repost itu video. :D
ohh makasiihh.. itu aku pilihin dari deviantart yang bagus2.. hehe ;)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@nugraha adi putra: well, give your thumbs up for those deviant! hehehe :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Sasha: iyaaaa ngiler banget ya shaaaa! x(

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@muchlove: ah! thanks kak... :D

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@Wahyu Setiawan Wibowo: wah makasih makasih makasiiiihhh :DDD

Lifi Family said...

Sedikit aneh tapi kreatif banget bikin clipnya, yg punya blog juga nih, bisa aja

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

@lifi: hahaha makasihhh :P