May 08, 2009

Torn Into Pieces

Well, I just thought that I will off of this blogging thingy, but then I thought again... hey! why should I off?!

lol. Stupidity.

Anyways, I just found a very beautiful quote from Breaking Dawn. And well, it makes me melting...

Edward: "Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away."

Yeah. Edward Cullen. And also, Muhammad Fauzi—my ex—ever said the same thing just like Edward did.

That was a great night, for sure. He made me slept in peace. Terribly comfy. Till it felt like I just don't wanna wake up anymore. He sang a beautiful lullaby for me all night long. Only for me.

Well, great, uh? So contrast with my condition nowadays. Yep. You're right! Nightmares every night!



Well then, goes for another Quote:

"Do you ever think that your life might be easier if you weren't in love with me?" — Edward Cullen

and if my ex is the one who asks this, I'd love to answer, "Yes, certainly. You really made me suffer."

lol. I'm torn into pieces!

(look at how pathetic my face is!)



Amelia said...

Such sweet quotes!

Anonymous said...

tapi kamu punya teman, sayang :)

stylefrontier said...

put, sorry to hear the breakup :(
you know i felt that too, when everything is so hurt, too deep wound, until the tears wont fall.
but please dont be too sad. it's a big world out there :)


Geri Wu said...

thank you for the comment! beautiful quote!

xx, Geri

Rand said...

love the quotes and cute pic!

Susana Rodrigues said...

I hope you feel better soon :)

My Lipstick Daily said...

I'm sorry about whats happened, hope you feel better soon.
you have such a cute blog, dont leave!

much love,

Kiseki Aoi said...

sorry to hear you've just broken up :(
don't be too sad, okay. anyway i've posted something, and it's about...emm.. being a loner. hope it'll cheer you up though just a lil bit :)
get a new better day! xx

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

Thanks all.. you guys rock! well, i feel so much better now. ;D

Ima said...

nice :D

Anna said...

I wished my boyfriend said things like that to me... but I don't have a boyfriend at all. haha.

Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

I love breaking dawn, and all twilight books. also, sorry theb reakup is so tough xx

karl's sweet child said...

take it easy, girl..he's just a stranger after all :)

Setyaning Wulan said...

i know you are a great stronger girl put :)

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

Thanks a bunch girls! I'm being so touched with your cares.. :D