An indie movie, created by Sembilan Matahari Film and Moonbeam Creations. Yes, not a famous name of production house. The moviemakers itself mostly come from the alumni of DKV ITB, not another production of Hanung or whoever they are. But this one is… just as great as their productions!
You know, I sit with my mouth agape in front of my PC when I saw the trailer. It’s marvelous! Magnificent! The plot is awesome and unpredictable! You know, I was trembling when I read the subtitle of this movie (which is written in English). The dialogue is just so real, like it has … its own soul.
Well, the whole story is talking about Love, Religion, and God. How there’s so many different Gods beneath us. How a man and a woman who loves each other trying to be united, even though their God is different. That’s a hard dilemma, for sure. Just like there’s a big voice which always echoing in your head, “Which one you want to choose? Your mate or your God?”
And well, some people may choose to answer, “I prefer my God!”
But some other people may answer wisely, “I choose you, and I choose my God as well. We could worship our God with our own way, and on the same time, we could be united together just like other couples do.”
And yep, that’s what the main characters in this movie did.
Anyways, I love this dialogue the most.
Annisa : Why did God create us differently if God only wants to be worshipped in one way?
Cina : That’s why God created love, so all the differences could be united.
Ahhh… what a heartwarming answer! x)
Well, I haven’t known whether it’s launched in Indonesia or not. But I really do hope it will be launched here. Heeeyy it has launched in London, for God’ sake! (that’s why the subtitle is in English). Masa di Negara pembuatannya aja nggak ditayangin siihh?? :(
Ah ya! Tomorrow is the first day of exam. Wish me luck, fellas! First day determines the rest days! Ahahhaha.
Smell ya later then. ;)
P.S. thanks for all the tags you've given to me, but i'll do it much later perhaps, okay peeps? ;DP.P.S one more update! i got these pics from Cin(T)a fb-page, about all the behindthescenes shoots. oh my god... Cina is sooo cute! x)
waaa... pengen lihat!! temanya menarik bgt. Thanks for sharing :)
Keluarnya kapan ya?
pas pertama kali liat trailer nya lsg jatuh hati
@muchlove: aku kurang tau kak. tapi kalo penasaran sering2 cek ini aja :
ehehe page di fb-nya. :D
@tyapratiwi: hihi iyaaa aku juga loh tya! x)
pertama kali tau dari tya pratiwi terus aku juga sempet nulis ini juga di blog aku :D dalem banget yaaa filmnya
@istina : yg dikelas gue kasih liat trailer nya itu kan ya wi ? aduh emang tuh film baguusss bgt
wah sepertinya filmnya bagus ya. trailer nya menarik! film maker indie nya kreatif skali ;)
jadi pengen nonton. thanks for sharing Put! <3
@Istina: waahh ternyata dwi sm tya temenan jugaa! ahaha. iya filmnya punya aura tersendiri gitu ya.. pengen banget nonton. :D
@fhen: iya kak. dikemasnya dalam cara yang oke banget! aku sampe merinding baca dialognya. kreatif banget deh! x)
sama2 kak.. :)
cina.. what a cutie! i wish i understood indonesian though. as a matter of fact, i wish i understood a lot of other languages. i love indie films!
<3 ya!
@putri : iya sekelas put hahah
wawawa... jadi penasaran nih..
kamu nontonnya dimana put?
@Eden: oh honeey.. indonesian lang is so much easier than english! come on! :D
anyways, the subtitle in the movie is in English, you could understand it, for sure. ;)
love ya too, Eden.
@tyapratiwi: huaa asik banget! temen2 sekelasku dikit banget yang jadi blogger! ;(
@Riris: itu belom rilis di indo sayang.. kalo ngga salah baru rilisnya agustus disini. premiere'y di London, coba! parah ya keren banget!
agustus? keburu lupa dah -_- haha
@muchlove : kalo gak salah tayang di London dulu baru di Indonesia. kayaknya sekitar July ato August deh tayang di indo. bener gak? gue waktu itu dikasih tau.. tapi lupa. hhehehe :)
@putri : you'd better read this ....
tapi ati2 ya baca nyaa.. hehe :)
putriiiii i love the conversation =) ya ampun pengen nonton deh, doa yuk moga launching juga disinii :)
i love that snippet of the dialogue, a perfect question with a perfect answer!
@Kevin: huaa jangan gitu dong! cuma 2 bulan lagi koookk! ehehe. :)
@yunda: iya sekitar agustus, yun. wah kalo itu sih aku juga udah baca. loh hati-hati kenapa? topiknya rawan yah? (rawan apapula coba!) ahaha.
@Indita: iya ndiii.. keren banget kan yaa! huhu ayo ayo kita doa.. x(
@Cassey: yep! perfect, absolutely. thanks for droppin by, kak Cass.. :)
hei hei!
ternyta ak juga telat y ..
baru tau ..
keren banget tuh kayakny ..
smoga dpercepat tayang d Indonsiany .. :)
i should watch this. this one is indie right? i always think indie movies are way more interesting compared to some awful major labels
@kithzi: hihi iya keren banget yah! aduh amin deh amiinn pengen banget nonton! x)
@adinda: uhmm.. i dont know. i've never watched any indie movie before, i thought. heeeyy i think i should google (right away, absolutely!) what is the differences between indie and common ones! lol. :D
put trailernya bagus banget, pengen nontonya deh :D, di indo tayang agustus?
ouuuuhh udah baca yaaa? hahahaha
menurut aku sih.. saking pintarnya dee menulis, jadi kata2nya bisa nyuci otak kita. hahahaha.
berlebihan abis.
@intan: iya tan, emang top banget itu trailernya doang aja! :D
uh-huh, agustus. lama ya? :(
@yunda: wah ahahahaha lebay kamu yun! tapi dia itu emang persuader yang keren banget! hmm.. wanna be like her. she inspires me a lot. :)
hmm..ud pernah dgr ttg film ini dr bbrp bulan yg lalu,,tp blom pernah nntn trailernya..thx for sharing put :)
tp dgr2 filmnya ada kemgknan ga tayang ya di Indo karena temanya tlalu sensitif..makanya premierenya di londong..bnr ga siy put?
@Fika: iya fik, takut topiknya dicekal nanti. huh susah deh ya kalo orang2 terlalu close-minded. pembuat film sampe ga percaya sama negara sendiri. tapi bakal ditayangin kok.. katanya sih. :)
:)) penasaran putttt. telat banget ya acha hahaha
@acha: ah ngga juga kok ka.. aku juga baru nemu kemaren2 itu! padahal udah lama banget ni trailer beredarnya! hihi.
tunggu agustus kaaaakk! xD
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